I dont own a ps3..I was playing GTA 4 at a friends house (I do plan to get it for PC)..The most amazing./funniest thing happened to me...
I had a 4 star wanted level..about 4 cars were chasing me...My car went on fire and I had to jump out....so im in the middle of the highway and im on the floor...lmao im half way up (My butt on the floor and and my legs crossed...haha best thing happens..im in this position for about 2 seconds..all of a sudden a squad car comes and just SMUCKS my upper body and my blood and guts are ALL over the front of the squad car, i also got sucked under the car... lmao.. like something out of a movie....You guys are so lucky to have this game for PS3 already..cant wait for PS3..ill hook up my controller...what are some of your funny stories with GTA?
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