If this kind of topic is not allowed please tell me so I can promptly delete. I was curious if anyone from the UK would be willing to put Beyond Good and Evil on a dummy account for me to log into and download? I'm willing to trade for any US PSN game up to 15 dollars of your choosing. If you're interested please reply, pm me, or email me at: chrdav65@pct.edu Thanks
Instead you should just make a european account by creating a new user on your PS3 and as long as you have a VISA card you will be able to purchase Beyond Good and Evil from the EU store of PSN.
[QUOTE="Davechr"]I do have a Visa card, but it won't allow me because the address I input to create the UK account doesn't match the address on my card.worlock77
Are the pre-paid PSN cards you buy at Gamestop, etc multi-region? If so then that ought to work.
Nope, they're region specific. I saw UK cards online that can be purchased with US currency but the the lowest one cost 34 dollars.
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