I reserved the BBB the day after it was announced. The System, Peace Walker, 4 gig mem stick, AND a case? If I were you I'd do the same. It's not like I don't see some of the benefits of the Go--the smaller form factor and supposedly the screen, while a tad smaller, is a just a tad higher quality. My main reason for not liking the go come down to a few things:
-I have problems with "flip" type devices. Every cell phone I've ever had that had to flip or slide open in some fancy way has not lasted long. I'm not saying the Go isn't constructed in a quality manner, its just that its made of plastic and metal and there is bound to be wear and tear--thats only normal.
-While its smaller, it still just a tad to big(and expensive) for me to just toss it in a pocket and forget about it. So, I'd still end up getting a case for it. If not for that reason, I'd get one to protect the screen, which would in part make it too big to put in a pocket--making a bag necessary, just like the 3000 model.
-I don't trust DD. If i'm spending 20-40 on a game, I need more proof of purchase. I understand that there is some level of PoP, but in buying a portable, its something I will use YEARS from purchase. I still use a Game Boy Color from time to time. Who is to say that at some point the whole PSN is abandoned? It might seem unlikely, but its certainly possible. What if I have 12 games on my Go, and five years later the drive dies? How do I fix that? What if sony stops supplying repairs for the unit at some point.
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