This is the end of the format war. Universal is the last exclusive supporter of HD DVD, and it anounced no titles whatsoever for the format at CES, where as every other movie studio anounced tons of titles for Blu-Ray, or for both formats, like the non-exclusive Warner Bros. and Paramount. Considering the fact that the exclusivity contract between Universal and Toshiba (HD DVD) runs out this month, it seems as if Universal is switching sides, or at least going neutral.
There were over 600 Blu-Ray titles anounced at CES, compared to a mere 200 HD DVD titles, and everyone of those titles were from either Warner Bros. or Paramount and were also anounced for Blu-Ray. HD DVD will recieve no exclusive content this year.
Many HD DVD diehards speculate that Universal is waiting to release its list of future titles at some later date, but considering the fact that it anounced loads of titles at last year's CES and that it has made absolutely no effort to renew the contract with Toshiba, it seems as if they have seen the light, and decided to maximize profits by switching to Blu-Ray.
This has saved us all from a horrible format war that initial seemed like it wouldn't end for years, but luckily, only a few early early adopters got cought up in the mess.
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