Title says all. PSN:El_Slothez The masked avenger. Needs. Help. Crossing. Road. ワラゃな簗田宇⑦まゎぬやたかほわまなはろわむ 乱読 random Japanese text. El_Slothez no stand a chance. _______ / O O \ | ( | \ WWW / |______.|
Isn't this the one where you need to do 250 headshots on zombies then collect what drops? That one should be REALLY easy to do yourself, in fact doing it co-op probably slows you down unless the other guy doesn't pick up any of the "brains".
The only catch is I'm pretty sure you have to collect 10, then collect 25, then collect 50, then 100, and so on up to 250 - each one a separate quest. Also they are not cumulative (if you collect extras on the 1st quest, your next quest you still need to get 25, - it doesn't carry over). So you probably end up having to get more like 500 brains. It's really not a big deal though.
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