A FPS game with kinda the LBP Avatar hook up + Mirror's Edge Stunts + COD Run and Gun + Borderlands elements. It seems pretty interesting for a Bethesda Title. . IS anyone getting it ?
You have to remember this is not a Bethesda Game Studios (Oblivion, Fallout 3) production. The game is made by Splash Damage, who have yet to prove themselves as a competent single-player developer.
I'm definitely going to wait this one out. If it gets good reviews and people really like it, I'll consider it.
well to be fair the SP basically is the MP just with a story attached to it. SD have proven that they can make great MP games. I think that with their skills and Bethesda's backing they might have something stellar here. From what ive seen the game is a winner but a few things can hold it back.
The lag factor / The game will have servers on PC but what about consoles?
The balance factor / If any class or faction becomes overpowered /overused that's a problem
and just the overal feel of shooting and movement in the game which they seem to have paid a lot of attention to.
Its really a wait n see type thing with those though. I took the plunge and pre ordered it.
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