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Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
Who cares? People have complained about SONY's crappy online since its debut on PS2. Now it has legitimate plans to make the most in-depth and advanced online experience in gaming and people are just complaining that its not original. NavigatorsGhost
I totally agree, and it's FREE, how original is that? nothing is ever FREE in this world.
Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
What do you mean by original?
is xbox live original? No, Dreamcast had online, PS2 had online before xbox was released. PS1 is the original console, all other are copy of it. It doesnt make sense does it? It's DOG eat DOG.
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? murstdurst
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? Vojkan80001
What do you mean by original?
is xbox live original? No, Dreamcast had online, PS2 had online before xbox was released. PS1 is the original console, all other are copy of it. It doesnt make sense does it? It's DOG eat DOG.
Did dreamcast have a online blade thou[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
Online play, rumble feature in controller
[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
For one, both of them contain lights to show that they are on.
Better tell Thomas Edison that he's getting ripped-off
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"][QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? mmirza23
Online play, rumble feature in controller
well that's against microsoft. Nintendo did have rumble and analog first. Then sony jumped on the bandwagon w/ dualshock then ms w/ their xbox. It's all stupid anyways. It's like a professional basketball player telling another player "you can't dribble between your legs or behind your back because you'll just be copying me". Those attributes are used to enhance gaming, who cares who has it.[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"][QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? Xanog1
For one, both of them contain lights to show that they are on.
Better tell Thomas Edison that he's getting ripped-off
[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"][QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? Xanog1
For one, both of them contain lights to show that they are on.
Better tell Thomas Edison that he's getting ripped-off
That's a funny story, Thomas Edison didnt really put the Light Bulb together, so technically, he didnt invent the Light Bulb.[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
[QUOTE="mmirza23"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"][QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? SirRaven
Online play, rumble feature in controller
well that's against microsoft. Nintendo did have rumble and analog first. Then sony jumped on the bandwagon w/ dualshock then ms w/ their xbox. It's all stupid anyways. It's like a professional basketball player telling another player "you can't dribble between your legs or behind your back because you'll just be copying me". Those attributes are used to enhance gaming, who cares who has it. Exactly, its who implements them the best, and well maybe its just me, but I don't see one analog stick being the norm.Sony are original. they develop their own hardware. they developd their own cell processor chip especially for the ps3 and they helped develop bluray. how much more original do you want them to be? home is not a rip off of mii at all. home is an online community, of course you need avatars, and when said community is a 3d environment its natural for said avatar to take take the form of a person - they represent you. so nintendo had an avatar system first, so what? 3d avatars have beena round a lot longer than that you know? the point of a mii is to be a fun and easy to pick up way of representing your self in nintedo's games like wii sports. home avatars aren't used in games. and sony aren't ripping off achievements either. they're making trophies - actual 3d, visual symbols of accomplishment, not just numbers and statistics. and i think i read somewhere that sony have been developing "home" since 2005 and possibly earlier.
wasn't it sony that came first with pressure sensitive buttons? and pressure sensitive d-pad? and remeber how the ps2 can be placed standing up or laying down? you know xbox 360 can do that to, right?... i dont think i have seen 1 hardware originality on xbox. nintendo do make original stuff now and then, but most of it has been made by others... rumble was immersion to name one.murstdurstAnd they didn't even have the balls to steal it. So much for Nintendo being original.
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"][QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? Xanog1
For one, both of them contain lights to show that they are on.
Better tell Thomas Edison that he's getting ripped-off
Not to flame or anything, just a point.... Thomas Edison did not invent the light blulb, he bought the patent off a Canadian... But I totally agree, people never say all the things MS or nintendo copied, it's ridiculous.[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
Actually Dipsetofficial your wrong. Let's elaborate:
MS (as a company), flat out stole their GUI from Mac. All their Mice, keyboards, headset and general computer equipment is nothing new or special. Internet Explorer is just a redone version of Netscape, Xbox an Xbox 360 are just consoles, they weren't the first so they can't have that title. Console online was original only to Sega since they created the Sega channel way back in the day. I can keep going but I'll save that for another time.
Nintendo is a little bit more tricky but they have stolen ideas. For one, motion sensing. That was not their idea and they were not the first to put it in a console. (remember sega bass fishing controllers or eye toy).
Now of all the companies, sony ms and nintendo, NIntendo is the only one that can really be respected or argued for being original because they started in videogames and there only business is videogames.
It's how the corporation work. Why do you think they pay thousands of dollars to increase security around them and such. Once a new product comes out, the competition buy this product (if they make the same kind of product) watch the design/new stuff and think what they can take from this product and put into theirs without breaking a patent and being sued. Usually it's not a really big difference and it works. All corporation do the same thing.
Now why are we blaming console compagnies of being "copycat" is because they are on the front page in a sense. They have the spot right on them and it is much more apparent when something looks alike. Not like the engine in your car which has evolved over time being "improved" by different compagnies who "stole" the idea of another. We don't see the engine... most people might even don't know and we certainly (well most of us lol) don't hold the engine many time like we do for controllers for exemple.
Even people who knows corporation are copying usually don't care ... why caring? It makes us having better products in the end no?
So why caring for consoles? That I don't know, I certainly don't.
You have some great points. But Nintendo did not start in video games, they actually started making card games a loooong time ago.Actually Dipsetofficial your wrong. Let's elaborate:
MS (as a company), flat out stole their GUI from Mac. All their Mice, keyboards, headset and general computer equipment is nothing new or special. Internet Explorer is just a redone version of Netscape, Xbox an Xbox 360 are just consoles, they weren't the first so they can't have that title. Console online was original only to Sega since they created the Sega channel way back in the day. I can keep going but I'll save that for another time.
Nintendo is a little bit more tricky but they have stolen ideas. For one, motion sensing. That was not their idea and they were not the first to put it in a console. (remember sega bass fishing controllers or eye toy).
Now of all the companies, sony ms and nintendo, NIntendo is the only one that can really be respected or argued for being original because they started in videogames and there only business is videogames.
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? murstdurst
[QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"][QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? mmirza23
Online play, rumble feature in controller
lmao they copyed gaming all togeather;)
Take a look at that and tell me sony is original.
Also nintendo launched the home gaming industry with the NES and paved the way for almost every genre of game. How is that not original? I'll admit that the 360 doesnt have any original features but it utilizes already known ones better and cheaper than any other system. Originality doesnt mean no one can copy you. If its a good idea people should copy you and the more youre copied the better your idea was. Cavemen invented the wheel that was a pretty original idea. But it would mean nothing if it didnt catch on. atari invented gaming but wasnt as popular as mainstream nintendo. so nintendo is credited with revolutionizing gaming. henry ford didnt invent the wheel but he is often credited with making the auto industry as popular and important as it is today. ford took a known idea and used it to revolutionize the industry. sony has yet to do anything of the sort. ok they came out with the playstation...pretty original. but they havent done anything since to change it. the graphics got better. big whoop. theyve been using the same controller since the ps1 and havent changed since. nintendo on the other hand has changed the industry with the wii and motion sensing. ms has revolutionized online play with xbl. but in the end sony will be the cavemen inventing something but never really putting it to use or popularizing it and nintendo/ms will be henry ford, building off of someone elses innovation but making it survive and have a lasting impression.misteryoung
actually Calico Vision and Atari brought games to your house, Nintendo ripped it off. try again, BAM
Take a look at that and tell me sony is original.
Also nintendo launched the home gaming industry with the NES and paved the way for almost every genre of game. How is that not original? I'll admit that the 360 doesnt have any original features but it utilizes already known ones better and cheaper than any other system. Originality doesnt mean no one can copy you. If its a good idea people should copy you and the more youre copied the better your idea was. Cavemen invented the wheel that was a pretty original idea. But it would mean nothing if it didnt catch on. atari invented gaming but wasnt as popular as mainstream nintendo. so nintendo is credited with revolutionizing gaming. henry ford didnt invent the wheel but he is often credited with making the auto industry as popular and important as it is today. ford took a known idea and used it to revolutionize the industry. sony has yet to do anything of the sort. ok they came out with the playstation...pretty original. but they havent done anything since to change it. the graphics got better. big whoop. theyve been using the same controller since the ps1 and havent changed since. nintendo on the other hand has changed the industry with the wii and motion sensing. ms has revolutionized online play with xbl. but in the end sony will be the cavemen inventing something but never really putting it to use or popularizing it and nintendo/ms will be henry ford, building off of someone elses innovation but making it survive and have a lasting impression.misteryoung
[QUOTE="murstdurst"][QUOTE="DipSetOfiicial"]Home is pretty much Miis with better graphics sure it looks alot better but its basicaly the same Idea....... and please dont tell me there gona add Acheivements? DipSetOfiicial
wasn't it sony that came first with pressure sensitive buttons? and pressure sensitive d-pad? and remeber how the ps2 can be placed standing up or laying down? you know xbox 360 can do that to, right?... i dont think i have seen 1 hardware originality on xbox. nintendo do make original stuff now and then, but most of it has been made by others... rumble was immersion to name one.murstdurstWireless controller support built into the system. 360 came out with that first, as well as an ethernet connection built into the console. MS was first on both of those.
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