I am already confident I will enjoy Uncharted: Among Thieves more than MGS4.
Sure, MGS4 is a great game, but I didn't enjoy it like I hoped. I can understand why people like it, but strictly fans of the series will enjoy it most, and I had never played a Metal Gear previous to when I played MGS4 back when it was released.
Uncharted is my favourite game for the PS3, it came with my PS3 and I was awe when I first saw the game in motion. It was beautiful and when the twist first happened I liked it, but I know a few people that didn't. And concerning those who think Among Thieves will fail because of the addition of multiplayer/co-op, it won't. You have to remember when Naughty God were developnig Uncharted they had engine issues and it ate up around 6 months of their developing time, yet they still produced one of the most polished games ever created. So, factor in that and the extra resources brought it to focus on the multiplayer for U2, you shouldn't have to worry about the single player.
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