Woow, my first GameSpot board. @_@
Anyway, on Christmas I got a PSP slim along with:
Bleach: Heat the Soul 3, Tekken Dark Resurrection, Starwars Battlefront II, Starwars Battlefront Renegade Squadron, Daxter, Medievil Resurrection, Rainbow Six Vegas, Ape Escape Academy, Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, Infected, Death Jr. II, Megaman Powered Up, Powerstone Collection, Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, along with several movies. And since then I've bought Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus.
And I fell so madly in love with my PSP that I sold all the DS games I didn't absolutely love and came up with enough for a PSP game - MAYBE two, and Rainbow Six Vegas 2. But I need advice on which PSP game(s) to get.
~*~ LIST ~*~
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon
Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl
Spider-Man 3
Killzone: Liberation
Metal Slug Anthology
Me and My Katamari
Monster Hunter Freedom
Monster Hunter Freedom 2
- ALSO, I heard that Spider-Man 3 doesn't work on the new PSP. Is this true?
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