I was looking forward to games like army of two and bad company but after seeing a few clips of army of two i started to wounder how are you able to play co-op on the one console in 3rd person.
i did a little digging and found that you can play co op on a network. But i dont know anyone who will get a ps3.
So now i want to know if there are any other games out or soon to be out that are co-op on the one console/tv?
Resistance fall of man is co-op isnt it? In split screen?
What about battlefield bad company?
Is motorstorm slit screen? i just search for motor storm. how can you make a racing game that is not split screen?
Are there anygames on the ps3 that you can play using the second controller even against each other? one of the main reasons im looking at getting a ps3 soon is cause i want to be able to play coop etc with out a network.
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