^If you don't like playing on portables, get a PSP Slim and a set of composite cables so you can play it on your TV.
I really, really hope it doesn't get ported. But in all honesty, I completey understand why some want it to be. Before I could afford a PS2, I wanted FFX to get ported to the PC. Before I could afford a PSP, I wanted the same thing for Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops, and eventually Crisis Core when it was first announced. But in the end, I decided to get both, and I don't regret it at all. But that feeling of seriously wanting a game on a platform you either can't afford or just don't want for anything else is really crappy, and I can sympathize with people like that. However, the PSP is really worth getting if you actually take the time to appreciate its features and seek out the good games, so if anyone wants something on it, I don't think they'd be disappointed.
But really, Crisis Core is a great game, and if it gets ported it would be a terrible decision. In my opinion, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, God of War: Chains of Olympus and Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops are like the trifecta of awesome games for the system. And for a system that isn't selling insanely well, it really needs all of the insanely good hits it can get. I'm happy the developers and Sony have decided against porting them (so far), because the PSP really needs to keep its killer aps exclusive.
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