What I love is how fans of it will dismiss all of the problems as if they don't matter. A broken game is a broken game, no matter what it "gets right". Patch after patch after patch to fill up my HDD? No thanks. Either get it right, or don't release it - But patching roads like the state of Illinois (they do a terrible job of upkeep on their roads, almost on purpose to keep contracts alive and union workers endlessly employed instead of fixing anything correctly) is for the birds. GOTY, my ***. And if the folks in the industry DO award it thusly, then we'll all know who received free copies, won't we?
My deepest sympathies to everyone who paid full price for the PS3 version. I don't like to see my fellow gamers getting frustrated or ripped off.
Peace on Earth, Good Will Towards Men, Go **** Yourself Bethesda. Ahmen.
I agree. These constant patches are ridiculous. This will be my 1st and last purchase from Bethesda. Wish I would have known about their track record for buggy releases beforehand. Only a true fanboy would attempt to justify and emphathize with a dev who could have waited a few more months or even another year before releasing a broken game and cashing in on the holiday phenomena. Who wants to go through the trouble or disabling auto saves and changing options to enjoy something they spent money on? It's amazing how the PS3 version racked up any awards at all. Until everything is fixed 100%, it will collect dust on my shelf if I don't decide to sell or trade it 1st.
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