So IGN posted a sort of "review in progress" for Dark Souls today, and I have to say that my chances of picking up the game on launch day just dropped significantly. Demon's Souls was hard, I give it that, and I honestly enjoyed the challenge. There was something so grimly satisfying about sinking the last 2 hours into getting through a level, and that feeling of absolute victory when you won.
But based on this report, Dark Souls takes things too far. Here is the preview:
Dark Souls seems to take things to a level BEYOND old school gaming. The IGN editor confesses that after 3 straight hours of just fighting and refighting the boss (and subsequently going through the level over and over)! That's insane! But even that I could live with, because perhaps he was just missing something that other gamers will quickly get. Maybe I'll figure it out faster. But the next part left me in tears, as I nearly called to cancel my preorder. One editor on his email list had spent 60 hours to get through 25% of the game. And then he said that this will be a game that takes players MONTHS to conquer. That. Sounds. Stupid. as. Hell.
Who the hell wants to spent a month or two slogging through the same game, dying time after time? NO ONE! New games come out, life goes on, I get distracted by other things that I want to do. I can tell you now that after 2 weeks of dying and retrying, it will get to the point where I just don't care anymore! And who honestly could?
I love the ambition behind Dark Souls. The amount of detail and thought that must have gone into the game is great, but they need to have realistic expectations from gamers. If it takes me more 2 weeks to beat the game, putting 4-5 hours in a day (5 hours a day for 14 straight days is 70 hours) or even get MOST of the way through it, that is just too damn much time. If it was just straight content, like I always had new things to do, that would be one thing, but constantly making redo the same thing over and over? That is just not going to happen.
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