You should also keep in mind the "Who's Counting" trophy. When you first meet Ulthane (you'll know when you see him) you will have a competition with him to see who can kill more angels. ALWAYS kill the ones he is not concentrating on, and after that go for his. Be the biggest hog you can possibly be. Also, be very wary of your surroundings, if your not aware you can get easily stuck. And once you get Ruin (War's Steed) ride on him as much as possible to get the "Dark Rider" trophy. Oh and one more thing, I recommend you start on Apocalyptic. It will be tough at first, but its doable, and worth it.
Oh, one other thing. The "Improvised Kills" trophy is really frustrating if you dont get it at the very start of the game. The very moment the game begins kill as many enemies as you can with any objects you can find (It might be easier to be on Easy mode for this). You have to get 150 kills. Over time, objects dont respawn, so it will be tougher to get it in the long run.
If you add me, I can help you further on the game if you ever do get stuck.
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