I bought my ps3 because my 360 broke down, metal gear was coming out and i believed that sony might one day come out with a ff7 remake on the system. I know all they were showing was a tech demo but i was still hoping. Also since 360 cancelled the marvel mmo dc's was the next best thing.
Well thats kinda hard to say,when i heard about mgs4 i was like ok yea i gotta get that but on the other hand when i heard about the ps3 i was like yea i gotta get that.So i was going to get ps3 anyway but having that game come out was a big bonus.
I got a ps3 because I had a ps1 and ps2 and was always happy. This one im happy, just alittle different and not so in so ways. I already had to get my ps3 fixed/replaced once
Um, (heh) come here real close *whispers*: I farted and to answer your question I only bought the PS3 for it's blu-ray movies and to support the downfall of HD DVDS. OF COURSE I BOUGHT THE PS3 FOR CERTAIN GAMES (plural) what did you think that I was going to buy a system that provides rings of death? or another that actually makes me get up and actually play (not to mention work up a sweat)? you're crazy yknow that? CRAZY! (hitting myself) of course I don't want to play Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of the Patriots or Little Big Planet oh no not me!
kind of... I want it a ps3, but it was too $$$ and did not had much that I liked it... Last year, RE5 was close.. and games like dead space, bioshock, prince of persia were announce or close to release... so I wait it for a price drop and got mine :D:D
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