Congrats on powering through what felt like the longest wait ever. Now that you've played around w/ your Vita for a bit, what are your impressions of the system?
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Congrats on powering through what felt like the longest wait ever. Now that you've played around w/ your Vita for a bit, what are your impressions of the system?
That's def the right way to go. Be sure to jump back on and give your 2¢ when you've spent a sufficient amount of time playing around with it
Your not alone :(I look forward to hearing people's impressions too, I still have a week to wait :(
I love it, Rayman Origins looks amazing on the OLED screen the colors really pop. I dislike how you can only use touch controls for the menu system, as while the menu system fits very well with touch, i don't want my fingers prints all over the screen and i hope they update it so you can use the D-pad or analog stick to go through the menu. Though i have a screen protector on the way so when that arrives it won't matter much to me anymore.
The system is light and solid overall. Though if you don't have much to any fingernails you might have some trouble opening the cartrage port up.
So far it's a really fun system.
I love it, Rayman Origins looks amazing on the OLED screen the colors really pop. I dislike how you can only use touch controls for the menu system, as while the menu system fits very well with touch, i don't want my fingers prints all over the screen and i hope they update it so you can use the D-pad or analog stick to go through the menu. Though i have a screen protector on the way so when that arrives it won't matter much to me anymore.
The system is light and solid overall. Though if you don't have much to any fingernails you might have some trouble opening the cartrage port up.
So far it's a really fun system.
Nice, I'm getting Rayman with my system too :)
Nice, I'm getting Rayman with my system too :)
I've been hearing alot about Rayman Origins. Everyone says it really shows off the superior screen and graphic power of the Vita
I picked mine up this morning after spending 30 minutes at Best Buy explaining to them what a PS Vita was and trying to convince them that the First Edition bundle comes out a week early. It really is pathetic that I know more about everything in the store than all of the employees combined and I don't even work there. Im really loving the system so far. I'm not big on the Uncharted demo I played, and I drove to Gamestop and sold my Little Deviants before ever touching it (I played it at another Best Buy and I wasn't a fan). I also sold my 4GB stick and picked up a 32GB stick for myself and a 16GB stick for my girlfriend, whose Vita I also picked up at Best Buy. "Two Vitas, sir?" Yes. Two Vitas". I have been playing Super Stardust Delta and Daxter for the past few hours. My Class which was scheduled for this afternoon got miraculously cancelled so I have just been sitting around messing with the Vita. NEAR seems really cool, I sent friend requests to a few people in my area with it, and I'm about to boot up the Rayman Origins demo.
After spending some time with it, it is mostly glorious with some moderate to minor quibbles. The analog sticks are not as precise or comfortable as the 3DS's circle pad and multi-tasking while playing games is far too slow. I've got 11 games and have played 2 of them so farSkinnyJeans1995That's concerning. I don't find the 3ds very comfortable for any long length of gaming. The demo unit felt awesome.
My impressions:
System: Vast improvement over the original, but the analog sticks are pretty small. Personally I find it rather annoying that many hyped it for dual analogs only to find that they are smaller than what images display. Not gonna lie: Not going to play FPSes on this thing. Though for the PSP games it can play, it is full screen resolution and it is pretty cool that the machine makes the games load pretty fast.
Features: Similar to the Gamespot UK guy's complaint, I hate having to turn the power on for 5+ seconds just to see the machine turn on. I also hate having to confirm what I wanted to open. UI can take some getting used to, but it's very responsive.
Have yet to play vita games, but sold my deviants because seriously that was a bad game to include.
After spending some time with it, it is mostly glorious with some moderate to minor quibbles. The analog sticks are not as precise or comfortable as the 3DS's circle pad and multi-tasking while playing games is far too slow. I've got 11 games and have played 2 of them so farSkinnyJeans1995I'm glad I wasn't the only one. I was wondering why it was harder to shoot enemies in Uncharted on the Vita than on the PS3. Regardless, I got used to it. I love the system so far, and oh my god, the OLED screen is just ... it doesn't make me want to play my 3DS anymore.
Where'd you sell it? It's got a not for resale notice on the UPC.Have yet to play vita games, but sold my deviants because seriously that was a bad game to include.
[QUOTE="Zanoh"]Where'd you sell it? It's got a not for resale notice on the UPC. You can still trade/resell most games like that, it basically means stores can't take apart the bundles and sell it separately..Have yet to play vita games, but sold my deviants because seriously that was a bad game to include.
Someone said that they liked the circle pad from the 3ds better than the sticks on the Vita? LOL That is not true at least from what I have played. I own a 3ds and like it too, but do not like the stick compared to the sticks on the vita. Yes they are a little on the small side, but you will get used to them in NO TIME.Bajacks
*raises hand* I would be that person. Personally I prefer the 3DS's slide pad because it is bigger, ergonomic for my hands and thumbs, and nice on feeback. The PSV is vritually the same, but not as ergonomic and not on the same size. I have gotten used to it, only because I have played the PSP nub alot, but it still is a nit pick about the system I do not like.
I got mine yesterday and have already messaged people, played Escape plan and Lumines, transfered 9gbs of music to the system, and collected a dozen trophies. Overall Its quality shines through all the minor negatives. For instance the UI is responsive and fun yet having to confirm opening every app (EVEN SETTINGS really?) is tiresome, but its only 1 more second. Being able to quickly change apps is great, however you can only have one game open at a time.
I got mine yesterday and have already messaged people, played Escape plan and Lumines, transfered 9gbs of music to the system, and collected a dozen trophies. Overall Its quality shines through all the minor negatives. For instance the UI is responsive and fun yet having to confirm opening every app (EVEN SETTINGS really?) is tiresome, but its only 1 more second. Being able to quickly change apps is great, however you can only have one game open at a time.
Question, what do you think of Escape Plan?
I got mine yesterday and have already messaged people, played Escape plan and Lumines, transfered 9gbs of music to the system, and collected a dozen trophies. Overall Its quality shines through all the minor negatives. For instance the UI is responsive and fun yet having to confirm opening every app (EVEN SETTINGS really?) is tiresome, but its only 1 more second. Being able to quickly change apps is great, however you can only have one game open at a time.
Question, what do you think of Escape Plan?
I played it only for 10minutes, mostly of trying to kill them. But for its price its worth it. I like puzzle games that I can just pick up and go right back into it. So if you like puzzle games also then its a must buy
I got mine yesterday and have already messaged people, played Escape plan and Lumines, transfered 9gbs of music to the system, and collected a dozen trophies. Overall Its quality shines through all the minor negatives. For instance the UI is responsive and fun yet having to confirm opening every app (EVEN SETTINGS really?) is tiresome, but its only 1 more second. Being able to quickly change apps is great, however you can only have one game open at a time.
Question, what do you think of Escape Plan?
I played it only for 10minutes, mostly of trying to kill them. But for its price its worth it. I like puzzle games that I can just pick up and go right back into it. So if you like puzzle games also then its a must buy
Ok, could you post more impressions as you play more please? Sorry to ask, but there is so little info everywehere for it at the moment, and to me it looks one of the more interesting games
Everyone has different opionions on everything. I am not making fun of the 3ds at all. I am just trying to state that while they may feel small at the beginning when you first try them, they become more and more comfortable as you use them, just like when i used the circle pad on the 3ds. The Vita's sticks are just my preference. That is all. Both handhelds work pretty well. Though the hardware of the vita is definitely better than the 3ds. Both systems have their share of good games, and I hope that both do well in the future.Bajacks
I don't mind differing opinions, that's what makes a community really. Despite the nitpick, the PSV improves upon the PSP and I can see myself playing it more than I did the PSP in future. Probably not as much as my 3DS, but mostly so for dedicated games. Disgaea 3 PSV is one of those games, and possibly Doctor Who. ^^
Can anyone tell me if you can play the Vita right away after you unbox it, or do you have to charge it up first?
I have really enjoyed my PSvita. The first edition bundle was worth it. I bought Uncharted Golden abyss, Dungeon hunter alliance and Lumines Electronic Symphony.
As a portable gaming system the PSvita is a huge step up from the PSP series. The 2 analog sticks really help. and are quite good. The revision of the D-pad is great. Sony has finally updated their D-pad which has been the same since 1994. PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP have used the same style. This new revision should be great for fighting games, old school shoot them ups etc.
I'm pleased that the controls are great, The touch screen and touch panel on the back of PSvita are easily to adapt to and work quite well. The game Little Devients is a good choice for a pack in to get you used to the newer controls, touch panel and touch screen, motion sixaxis tilt etc. Every if it is not the best game it showcases the controls/feautres of the PSP well.
The PSvita Unit is quite well designed for longish gaming sessions. I have been playing Uncharted Golden abyss and Lumines S.E most often.
I would have like it if Sony kept the cross media bar, The new interface is fine. I just prefer the cross media bar.
The first edition bundle was worth it. The only thing I have yet to use is those AR cards included with the system.
The PSvita is awesome. glad I got it.
Ok. I've spent some quality time with the Vita. Here are my thoughts, impressions and whatnot:
Proof of purchase:
- It exceeds my expectations. This is the best portable console to date. The analog sticks seem a little small. Almost like if you were going to put your finger on the tip of a ball point pen. But they feel really comfortable. Nice and rubbery, and soft surface once you place your thumbs on the tips. In my opinion, the most impressive part of the whole system is the social features (not talking about near). I tried using the Voice/cross chat feature with 2 other people and it was pretty cool. I can see it being very beneficial for fps games and probabl monster hunters in the future. The friends layout is pretty nice. But I wish there was more customizable Avatars and skins. People WILL get sick of seeing the same ones over and over again.
The UI is decent. But it doesn't look as slick and professional like the PS3/psp one. (just my opinion) It looks a little childish and rudimentary. I don't really know who Sony is trying target solely judging on UI appearance. But certainly there will be more adults owning this unit compared kids considering the price. I really don't mind the music in the background. It sort of brings life to the system. The volume can go pretty loud so thats a plus. But the screen isn't as good people hype it to be. When turning on the Vita for the first time, the screen isn't on full brightness. So you have to turn it up. Its funny though, because when you turn up the brightness on its highest, it seems like the text and icons have a higher contrast then the background skins itself. However, brightness wise If you've seen a Zune HD in person, the brightness outshines the Vita by a landslide. In all honesty, if there was ever a point I felt bored with my Vita, the social features should suffice. The trophies are also pretty cool and a plus. So If I feel bored I also tend to go trophy hunting at times Current demos I have:
Uncharted Golden Abyss, Gravity Rush, Dynasty Warriors, and Ragnarok Oddysey (yes, there is now a way to play those Hongkong/JPN demos on a NA psn account with same memory card). Proof:
Game: Little Deviants. I was a little skeptical about this game at first, and quite frankly its not as bad IGN sees it. I would give it a 7.5/10
Some levels seem a little repetetive and washed out because in different regions (levels) Its the same concept over and over again, but only to find yourself playing the same exact lvl with different icons and landscapes. The best feature about this game is the leaderboards. (yes they have leaderboards). Neat thing is there is a filter that allows you to compare your scores only to friends, then to people using "near" and finally, globally. (which is awesome). So yea, you can see how good you are globally.
Do I have any gripes?
The system is good and better then the 3DS in my opinion. My only complaint is, there is no good games out, nothing new we haven't seen before. I mean yes, the launch lineup is awesome. But I already know what Uncharted is, I know what UMVC3 is, I know what Ninja Gaiden is. And because of this, I can't see the myself sticking to the Vita like puddy. glue. And its interesting because on my Vita It shows some of my friends status shows playing PS3 games. So I would assume they probably got bored with it already. I give the system 8/10 because I don't feel addicted to it as playing on a home console. But I can tell a lot how much Sony worked on it. Games I hopefully plan on picking up:
Little Big Planet, Gravity Rush, (possibly Unit 13).
But yea, these are my thoughts, opinions.
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]One question, can you use the second analog stick to aim in shooting games for the psp?Zanoh
No. Not at this moment I'm afraid.
My brother told me that he heard you can because there's supposedly a way to re-map controls (like the face buttons) to the right analog stick. I'm not sure how much truth there is to this, but again, it's just what he told me.
[QUOTE="Nick3306"]One question, can you use the second analog stick to aim in shooting games for the psp?THA-TODD-BEAST
No. Not at this moment I'm afraid.
My brother told me that he heard you can because there's supposedly a way to re-map controls (like the face buttons) to the right analog stick. I'm not sure how much truth there is to this, but again, it's just what he told me.
I own a vita and do not see any of those option 0.0
No. Not at this moment I'm afraid.
My brother told me that he heard you can because there's supposedly a way to re-map controls (like the face buttons) to the right analog stick. I'm not sure how much truth there is to this, but again, it's just what he told me.
I own a vita and do not see any of those option 0.0
You can, i've seen it on youtube. Log In to post.
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