I just recently got the YLOD while playing Uncharted 3. The disk is still stuck in the PS3 and I don't know how to get it out. I tried that Fan Test but that doesn't seem to work. It's an 80gb PS3 that came bundled with Motorstorm. I got it about 5 years ago. Anyone know how to get it out?
probably gonna have to crack it open. Word to the wise, dont get it repaired by sony, i did that and its YLODed 3 times. just get a new slim. backwards compatibility will be missed though
this is probally a stupid question but what exactely is the YLOD?
Yellow light of death, similar to the Xbox 360's red ring of death. When your PS3 has the yellow light instead of the green one when you turn it on, it means it doesn't work or something. :P
this is probally a stupid question but what exactely is the YLOD?
Yellow light of death, similar to the Xbox 360's red ring of death. When your PS3 has the yellow light instead of the green one when you turn it on, it means it doesn't work or something. :P ohh.. ok. wonder what the hell causes it?
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