I usually don't, and I'm starting to realise how much money is being wasted. I usually buy a few games at a time, and on release without fail just so I can have new games, this ends up with me playing a bit of one, then trying another and so on. 90% of the time I'll complete the game, but not before I've bought others, and I rarely complete them fully (meaning optional collectables and alternate routes). To try to stop wasting money on games I don't play fully, I've decided that I'm going to complete one game before moving on to, or buying the next. I'm not going to go for a platinum for each game, I think that's a bit excessive, so I'm going to aim on completing the main game and get at least 70% of the trophies for that game. 70% is pretty rare for me, I've only done it with one game so far, mainly because I've never tried getting any specific trophies in the past, I just accepted what I got.
So how about you? Do you play until completion before getting a new game or do you play a bunch of different games at the same time?
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