Usually i try to finish 1 game at a time. Been pretty good about it lately, use to buy games without completing previous ones but i have changed me ways!
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Usually i try to finish 1 game at a time. Been pretty good about it lately, use to buy games without completing previous ones but i have changed me ways!
Used to struggle to finish games at all but over last few years, I have been finishing them. I tend to buy only a few at a time, when the prices have dropped and hype has passed, play short ones from start to finish though long ones, like FF or Eternal Sonata I sometimes take a break and play something shorter.
I am the worst you will meet. If i find a game-or two, or even three :) -i once wanted to play but had missed it, at a good price, i am buying it even if i have 20 unfinished games. It's that remembering of the price i had last seen it, and a new massively reduced that it justifies - in my own sick mind - the purchase of two massively reduced. I am a consumer!
Start - yes
Buy - no
I buy games while currently playing a game but I don't play it until I beat the story of the game I'm playing.
When I buy more than 1 game in a single transaction, I try both then choose which to finish first, then unchosen game will never be played until I beat the chosen one. Hehe.
I used to finish my games on the PS2, but now that I've got a PS3, I guess I get a little too excited when a new game comes out and quit whatever I'm playing to start on the new one. Out of my 10 games, I've finished 3, halfway done with 2 others, currently playing 1 and haven't started on about 4 of them.
Oh yeah, and I just ordered another one a couple days ago.
I just buy a game and have fun with it. Who cares if you finish it or not, as long as you have fun.
You got it right
There's some games you just want to play because they have a certain element. Maybe a certain gameplay mechanic you want to try
Do you want to play the whole game? Heck no, but it's fun to try it out and then you move onto the next game.
If you only played one game and didn't play or buy others till it was done you'd miss out on so many games, it would be like withholding games on purpose and why would you do that?
i am the worsed at getting every game and never completing it,i have 19 games, and i've completed 4 of them, i mean a few are sport games and fighting games, prob around 5. but it's just i don't have alot of time, and i've started them all but just never finished them, i've always thought i shud and started trying but get sidetracked and never do, by christmas i'll have an extra 4games, so i'll never do it. and next year there so many games i'm wanting so thats more. i think tho i get the games i feel i like but complete the ones wot i get right into, but i am a big believer of collecting, so i'm doing well and hoping to have one of the best collections around except from millionaires who cud just by them all. plsu when finally the ps3 dies and new consoles come out and new games, the ps3 and my collection will be worth a bit seeing as i can't see the graphics getting completely out done by as how much more real can u get, yea they'll get better but not my a massive margin.
I don't, but I don't really buy new games (I do buy some new ones, but not many). But since black friday I have gotten about 15 or so games and have yet to play some (most). But I have been trying to beat one at a time (while playing others). I am currently powerleveling to beat FFX, but just before that I beat God of War 1 and 2 (but I have so many more to do).
I currently don't have anything on PS3 though that I haven't beaten (unless you consider LBP sp to be beatable without collecting everything).
EDIT: I buy used games so all those recent purchases have averaged around $7 each. A lot were on PS2 also. Plus I have a good 20 or so games prior to that I still need to beat. Plus I just got a Dreamcast, Super Nintendo, and Sega Genesis (and i haven't even counted those games yet). So I have amount of time ahead of me to beat them actually.
I tend to only buy games maybe once every few months. So it usually gives me enough time to finish the game I have at hand.
I have completed every game that I have bought this generation. For the record, I consider a game "beat" when the end credits roll, not when you have all the trophies or achievements.
I wonder, what do you guys do with the games you beat?
I have pass my atari, and I gave all the games with it, pass my nitendo and SNes, and also gave away all the games (I gave the atari and nitendo to one brother and the snes to another brother).
I had a PS1, gave to one of my brother with 4 games (I think), because PS2 played PS1, then one of my friends got an Xbox, and gave me his PS1 and all his PS1 games. I gave the PS1 to my cousin (yes I told my friend I was doing), and gave like 4 games of which was all sports games, in which I had an newer version of.
Besides turning over to the family, I kept all the games I got (well, I got this basketball game once, and I didn't like the controls at all, so I wrap back up and return it.. shhhhh).
I'm not giving away my PS2, because the PS3 slim have no backwards capability,:x so I'm keeping all the PS2 games, but if I wasn't, the first game to go would be Metal Gear Solid 2. I gave it a try many times, but is just not the game for me, I got no entertainmaint at all. The game put me to sleep.
But I refuse to sell my games, I just pay to much to get them, besides I love most of my games.
Yeah I normally play one at a time, unless a) I get a bundle of them all at once, b) a new game I want comes out while I'm still playing something else, or 3) I get stuck on a game & give up on it for a while... then I just do short sessions with each game & switch back and forth. 8)
I used to buy and complete games before moving on, but that was back in my unemployed teenage years. Now I have more games I haven't finished than ones I have. I tend to finish the better games like MGS4, Arkham Asylum and Fallout 3. I'll probably never play through Turok, Folklore or Devil May Cry 4.
I just buy a game and have fun with it. Who cares if you finish it or not, as long as you have fun.
You got it right
There's some games you just want to play because they have a certain element. Maybe a certain gameplay mechanic you want to try
Do you want to play the whole game? Heck no, but it's fun to try it out and then you move onto the next game.
If you only played one game and didn't play or buy others till it was done you'd miss out on so many games, it would be like withholding games on purpose and why would you do that?
Of course. The reason why I purchase and play games is to experience the game from start to end.
IMO, it's not fun to leave games (story mode) unfinished.
I've just finished Infamous but now I have Prototype, Batman AA and Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 to finish. Then I'll go back to completing about one game per week. Though I'm on vacation now so maybe I can clock in a few more hours of gaming. I still have Fallout 3 Goty to complete as well.
i always finish a game or am not planning on playing it againbefore buying another one, only time i may not is I may take a break and play a PSN game or nascar or something then back to the game i was on, I just seem to enjoy it more and get into the story better if i only play one game at a time.
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