[QUOTE="Fredrick2003x"][QUOTE="get-ka12"]No, Naughty Dog is good, but relies on fast differentiation too much. Guerrila did Killzone well, due to the oppressive atmosphere and the pounding action. They are both awesome companies for different reasons, but I would not want to see Naughty Dog do Killzone. Guerrilla is better suited for that.get-ka12
Agreed, a game series should stick with the people who created it. I hate series swapping, gets on my nerves more than anything else. "Hi I'm some dude I don't know what this is but my team and I have been contracted to do a sequel XD!"Occassionally it works, like Capcom - Flagship has done Zelda Minish cap and it actually turned out good, but I don't want to see it happen to Killzone or Uncharted.
That's like a band being given to new members, or when other authors write books in a certain series.
Jak and Daxter 1 is one of my favorite games of all time, Naughty Dog is good at what it does and Guerilla is good at what they do, they should stick with their strengths.
Lol, how does that have anything to do with the rest of your post?
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