Does Demon's Souls ever really PISS you off?

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#1 Goods_Merchant
Member since 2009 • 953 Posts

OH MY GOD. I go to the Fool's Idol Archstone. For the umpteenth time. I slaughter my way through the same hordes of enemies. For the umpteenth time. I go through the fog to face the tedious Maneater. For the umpteenth time. I slowly drivel through its health, and then its twin comes down to help. I know this because I have gotten to that part an umpteenth amount of times. But this time, I arrogantly thought, I might actually beat this monster and move on through the Tower of Latria. 2 seconds later, I die. That was when I decided to come write this rage thread. I am not one to rage quit, or violently throw my controller at the T.V., but this game can serious raise my cortisol to unhealthy levels. In the beginning of the game, I did not think that Demon's Souls as not all that hard, but now, as I start to progress through the levels, I have finally realized how hard this game truly is. I don't even want to think about how hard the world end bossess are, let alone the end boss itself! This game definitely deserves its title as punishing difficult, but it is so immersive and addictive that I cannot stop. But that doesn't mean that I am not really angry at it at the moment. It just really gets strenuous when you make all this progress in a level, then you lose it to some stupid mistake or something you didn't see coming or were unprepared for.

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#2 Essian
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the Old Hero had that affect on me... but Maneater was one of the last bosses I took on, and I killed him in 1 try. But yeah, that game can be VERY frustrating, but amazingly rewarding
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#3 bobbleheadrogue
Member since 2009 • 2203 Posts

Yep, dying again and again is really frustrating to me too. Especially when I know I died becuz of my poor gaming skills and not the controller :P

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#4 juden41
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Well, some of the enemies seem harder than the amount of experience points they drop would have you believe (those Medusa Freak prison guards in the Tower of Latria) though I try not to let it get to me, since that would inhibit my willingness to play the game. I try not to get too angry, and I actually (sometimes) game better when I'm cool-headed (I make better decisions, etc)
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#5 Elian2530
Member since 2009 • 3658 Posts

Yep, dying again and again is really frustrating to me too. Especially when I know I died becuz of my poor gaming skills and not the controller :P

Same lol. I keep dying against the Red Eyed Knight, which to most demon's souls players is an easy mob. For me, I get one shotted lol. I could imagine fighting a boss, or harder enemies.. I would probably die instantly. Maybe I should go and play every single game in my library on the highest difficulty, then come play Demon's Souls. I am not worthy....
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#6 RavenLoud
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Yes, but after I actually beat the boss, the frustration will be completely converted to satisfaction. :) False King was one of the most intense moments I ever had on my PS3 (and I own Uncharted 2 :P).

Also, Maneater isn't that hard. I suggest you stay where the flame is and wait for them to come after you while trying to kill the first one (who you already damaged) asap after the second one appears. Avoid going too close to the edges, for they can easily knock you down to a cheap fall.

Also, by now you should have rescued Sage Freke and beat the Tower Knight (should be done right after you beat Phalanx). Use his soul to learn the spell "warding" or "total protection" in the asian versions. This will greatly reduce the damage taken. Once I was going a low hp build and beat Maneater with lvl 8 in vitality, all thanks to this spell.

It depletes in about half a minute or so, so re-cast it as soon as it ran out. It is well worth it, trust me. It takes 50 mp to cast (same amount healed by the fresh spices, that can be easily bought for 200 souls at the singing royalty in 3-1 or dropped by the mindflayers).

Edit: TBH, DS is never cheap or unfair. So the frustration is easily forgotten. Unlike some other games on high difficulty (I'm looking at you KZ2 Radec fight on Elite :evil: )

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#7 Elian2530
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Man, you guys are ELITEST or something.. I always thought I was pretty good at videogames but now I'm second guessing myself :P
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#8 dkjestrup
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Demon's Souls isn't really that hard. However, it has the most overrated difficulty ever. The only really hard part is learning the levels, and learning what gear/tactics work. Fortunately for you guys, us players on the asian versions figured this stuff all out before DS was released to the West. The first playthrough is very easy if you have any clue what you're doing. The second playthrough is easy too, if you grinded enough at the end of NG, mostly for weapons etc, rather than levels. For Maneater, Total Protection (warding?) works like a charm. You can survive being pounded and only have lost a slither of your health. If you have high enough Vitality, maybe go with hyper mode gear for the first Maneater, so you can get it out of the way before the second, then heal up and face the final one. As long as you don't get knocked off of the edge, you'll be fine. I personally just faced him again in one of my latest characters on NG. BBS + Light Weapon + Total Protection = dead Maneater.
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#9 Diddies
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Demon's Souls is very hard, and I put mine away for awhile when it came out and never beat the tower knight. I don't know if I have the patience for Demon's Souls.I thought I was good at games until I played that and gave up easily however.

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#10 Fightingfan
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The upgrading is annoying, i need like 4 upgrades for the platinum trophie but i got addicted to battle field's online and haven't gotten the chance to platinum it.
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#11 Laxer04
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i never really get pissed off except for when when people invade my game and kill me and the two people playing co op with me.

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#12 nightshade869
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No it didn't. I took everyone's advice and was overly cautious and tactical. I made it through 1-1 in two tries (died the first try from the Red eye knight and killed him the next time). Patience is needed in this game.
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#13 hazelnutman
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I beat the game without much frustration. Am I the only one who thought the False King was overrated in terms of difficulty? Hell, I had more trouble on the Tower Knight and even the Dragon God.
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#14 -Origin-
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Yeah, Demon Souls has definitely made me slap my leg in fustration while I utter "Of course I died again!.."
However, as for the Maneater, that's definitely one of the bosses that pissed me off the most. Whenever I'd summon other players to join me in the fight, they always get knocked off the side every damn time. I'd always fight them in the middle platform however, that always seemed to give me the best results for it's easier to avoid their pounce attack if you circle around the platform. Also, I always tried to focus on killing them one at a time, that way I could possibly fight them both for a short period of time making the fight easier since during the begining and the end, it'd be only 1.

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#15 gamer_10001
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First off if you need help if you stand to the side of the doorway with the fog just before Maneater you can actually kill the first one with arrows by shooting through the fog. Wittle its health all the way down and it will die when you go through the fog (this is if they haven't patched it).

What pissed me off in this game was the rarity of some of the stones. Take Cloudstone Chunks for instance. I killed hundreds of those flying mantas and could not get the three Chunks I needed for a final upgrade for the trophy. I was even using the wiki so I knew what drops certain stone and what does not.

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#16 BenderUnit22
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The maneaters pissed me off once because the 2nd one got stuck somewhere underneath the bridge with only a sliver of health and I couldn't get him out. I had to restart the game...
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#17 jjivey
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I got the game around Christmas last year and my wife got a small exercise trampoline as well. I used to set the trampoline by the tv/ps3 while i was playing that game. After i couldn't take Demon soul's anymore i would jump liked a raged man on the trampoline to get it out.

Yea its pissed me off many times, but strangely i never got tired of it.

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#18 kevy619
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I was pissed off when I realized I didnt like the game nearly as much as other people seem to.