OH MY GOD. I go to the Fool's Idol Archstone. For the umpteenth time. I slaughter my way through the same hordes of enemies. For the umpteenth time. I go through the fog to face the tedious Maneater. For the umpteenth time. I slowly drivel through its health, and then its twin comes down to help. I know this because I have gotten to that part an umpteenth amount of times. But this time, I arrogantly thought, I might actually beat this monster and move on through the Tower of Latria. 2 seconds later, I die. That was when I decided to come write this rage thread. I am not one to rage quit, or violently throw my controller at the T.V., but this game can serious raise my cortisol to unhealthy levels. In the beginning of the game, I did not think that Demon's Souls as not all that hard, but now, as I start to progress through the levels, I have finally realized how hard this game truly is. I don't even want to think about how hard the world end bossess are, let alone the end boss itself! This game definitely deserves its title as punishing difficult, but it is so immersive and addictive that I cannot stop. But that doesn't mean that I am not really angry at it at the moment. It just really gets strenuous when you make all this progress in a level, then you lose it to some stupid mistake or something you didn't see coming or were unprepared for.
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