After a month they haven't even bothered to respond to the main crash CE-34878-0.
They cant fix it and they wont. Sony is even replacing systems with the error, maybe due to complaints but whats the point. EA is concerned with sales. How did that patch go? Oh MIA? Look at PC forums.. Not good post patch.
Look, we wanted this game to work. I like it when it works for a few minutes. I like playing with you guys. many of you are fantastic. Its too frustrating being treated so poorly and have the game just stop completely. Grab a beer, headphones , fire up the ps4, kick the lazyboy back,,and crash Im in the dashboard.
They have no intention of doing nothing but stringing you along. Thats why they don't even communicate with you. Look what they gave you. They knew it was so broken. Charlatans ....Advertising dollars will push the media to continue to sell it..........No one on here is prepared to take any action, sue, call Attorney General. They know that, They don't have to do anything. Companies get away with stuff until they are forced to do something.
It is what it is.
They aren't listening, they don't care. Your talking to air, posting stuff getting buried to nothing. Keeping you busy while your game is broken..They got your money and they need more and will sell it to as many people even though its as broken as day one.
--Time to move on people.
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