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Remember guys lets not hype these games up right now, we already have way too many exclusives coming to hype, lol. It's good news but that's all it is for now, the hype shall begin when the first trailer for both games are shown, I have a feeling E3 2010. Oh and yeah, I expect the games to deliver, Sony hardly disappoints with their first party offeringSwift_Boss_Ai am totally gunna hype up eight days now :P sidebar, i finally played no more heroes... its awesome and i cant wait for the sequel :o
i wonder why they said they canceled it? :? maybe to drop ps3 sales and make every one think the PS3 is in last place in sales because MS paid them too and now the contract has expired and then the PS3 WILL RULE LIKE THE PS2 DID!!!! *EVIL LAUGH* lol
i really cant wait :)
Sweet! I always hoped they were just put on hold.
I guess I can finally end my vendetta against Eyepet :P
I was right, I knew such games would never be dropped. Well the truth is out, we can expect both games to be released sometime in the coming years, not really worth hyping now and we don't even know if they will be any good but it's definitely promising news for those who care, like me.very good news indeed.. ;p
"The man confirmed that the games were about 50% of their development and they are not canceled.We can therefore expect to see them land in the years to come!"Swift_Boss_A
I forgot these games existed they were hyped so much before the release of ps3 then nothing so i was sure they had fallen off the face of the world
This is brilliant news the Eight Days trailer was just pure amazing and The Getaway were some of my favourite PS2 games, and even better these two are defiante AAA titles and will give people even more reason to buy a PS3.
Eight Days looked awesome from the footage released...before I got a PS3. I watched the same footage, and even a bit of supposedly leaked gameplay not long ago, and I thought it looked insipid.
"The man confirmed that the games were about 50% of their development and they are not canceled.We can therefore expect to see them land in the years to come!"The "years to come!" part worries me a bit, hopefully that doesn't equate to a Duke Nukem Forever type scenario. I don't really care what happens to Getaway 3, but for some reason I was always intrigued by Eight Days.dukerav
Well it's not like PS3 is lacking major exclusives for 2010, I prefer if gamers don't hype these games for now, until Sony officially confirm them with trailers and lots of information. You know Sony can take as long as they want with these two titles, just deliver a spectacular experience for gamers. Besides I don't expect both to come out till 2011.
both interest me a lot for very different reasons, 8 days as it can be the ultimate cinematic action game, but I hope there will be a game mechanic based on dodging and movement rather than another shooter ; I had high hopes in the Gateway as being a great free roaming game, that is like Saints row is, where you can freely do either main story missions or missions to develop your personal story or just to do whatever as you can do in real life, but mixing those as you see fit, or just going from one place to another to have fun.
Yep that was me my man :D I figured there is no logical reason for Sony to shelve these games since they were pretty anticipated due to the early trailers. Sony made the right decision to keep these games away from the public eye until they are ready to be unveiled, and yeah both games are not worth hyping now considering there other are exclusives which are ready to release and deserve the hype *cough* Uncharted 2 *cough*Haha! I remember seeing you write something the other day about these being on hold Swift Boss! I guess you were right!:D Personally i'm not going to go looking out for these games or hype them.
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