mine too
not me. I actually have several games on UMD and digital downloads of games are almost ALWAYS way more expensive than just buying the umd (used or new). an example would be how I just bought Gangs of London on UMD. It only cost me $10USD (new, including shipping online). On the PlayStation store (Europe) they want 22.99GBP (you can only download the game on the European playstation store, and i use the Great Britain one). Even if the exchange rate was 1 to 1, you'd pay over twice the cost of the umd to download the game. I got Lemmings for the PSP used for 9.99 on umd also. guess how much that would cost to download......
Since I like cheap games, I prefer games on UMD, DVD, Bluray, CDROM, etc. Digital downloads can't be traded, resold, or even given away. If somehow all PSP games go digital download only, then I will probably stop buying psp games. and i dont see enough new features on the psp go to make me want one. my psp2000 works just fine.
Sony did say that they are definitely exploring ways to convert UMDs to downloadable format.For a... "nominal" cost... I'm SURE. The thought that Sony would do ANYTHING for it's customers which wasn't based in greed and dripping with profit is a laugh... and this comment coming from a Sony product fan. Case-In-Point: The cost of DL games like RE or FF7 being $4.00 US more than any other PS1 title... if you think that Sony is going to look at the mess of piracy out there right NOW and say "Hey, let's give them a possible way of cracking UMD down to a mem-stick ONE MORE TIME." you are seriously deluded.
Kiosks for transfering games will (mark my words) WILL become a place of piracy and back-door dealing if made a reality in the US... human nature is too weak to resist, and the pay for manning one of those "kiosks" will drive certain employees to bend the service to their own gain.
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