Ok so here is what happened. I am trying to lvl up the POS G3 for the marksmanship challenge. I was doing this mostly by kinda trying to snipe folks out,
I found myself a nice little spot overlooking a street on the Strike map ( If your team starts up by A it is the house that you reach by going right while going down the hill then go round back the house and climb up the steps, then overlooking C ) and set up my claymores and was having a nice little time. Picking shots carefully trying not to draw too much attention to meh spot and all.
Everything was going just swimmingly... Then here comes lvl 14 homeslice and his pal lvl 12 homeskillet. They come in the room and just start blasting out all the windows with their AK's or wtf ever they were using. Like completely blowing any type of cover I might have had.
Needless to say I was *mad* pissed and I asked them if they could find someplace else to go cause i was trying to camp out there. Well you can guess their responses " F U man we can be here if we want etc etc etc..."
Now I realize they have just as much right to be there as I do. Even if I was there first and had obviously put a little effort into securing the spot. But MAN it pissed me off. Like, I am aiming out a window and the guy stands RIGHT next to me and aims out the same window...
My question is this. When you guys are in situations like this what do you do ? Do you ask them to leave ? Do you curse @ them ? Do you hang there with them ? Do you abandon your little camp and let them have it ? I really don't wanna be rude to other people in the game but it's just so irritating.
So yeah anyway tell me what you think.
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