I loved Fallout 3 and got the Platty for it, but I got robbed on the DLC for it released to PS3 several months after Microsoft would let them release it to the XBOX competition. The most buggy DLC ever. Never finished Point Lookout because it locks up my PS3 withing a few minutes of starting it. The Pitt was almost as bad (less than 1 fps in areas like the foundry). Playing that DLC was torture, not fun at all, although Mothership Zeta was almost bug free compared to the infested rest. Need to get my money back for at least Point Lookout. Playing The Pitt and Point Lookout may have bricked my first PS3 because the overuse of the graphics chip by bad programming during the 1 fps section I think fried the system I had had for years. $200 to get a refurbed one, and Point Lookout freezes on it as well. Obviously a Bethesda screw up. Maybe they wanted to release DLC that would brick PS3s as they are pro XBOX bribes.
Here are my petitions in case others have had similar problems with Fallout 3 DLC, to this date unaddressed by Bethesda. Needless to say, I will not be buying the next Fallout because of the $60+ they ripped me off for buggy DLC after buying the original game:
(4 siggys already on that page for the Fire BQA petition (if they have any QA testers, that is.)
(sigs so far for BUGGY DLC petition)
Here ia a similar petition from other screwed over gamers:
Other games arebug free compared to Bethesda's work. Never had to hard reset the system once on other games. I lost count of how many hard resets I had to do on FO3 and DLC before it bricked my system.
Please sign one or more of my petitions and maybe we'll get our money back for Buggy FO3 PS3 DLC, get a real QA department put in place at Bethesda, an apology from their CEO, or at least a patch to make the PS3 DLC playable. Called Sony Playstation store but they continue to sell it and say it is not their responsibility for a refund if the software you buy on their site is buggy and unplayable like FO3 PS3 DLC. Maybe these petitions will get Bethesda to support their software, and at least test it before releasing it on a console with a QA department that knows what they are doing.
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