Now, i'm still in the begining, but does this game pick up? So far it really is boring and also I noticed grinding is a lot harder than in previous games so does your level matter that much?
Yeah, this does belong over there. But to answer your question, it does pickup. Once you get that little part of the Main Story out of the way. You can start taking Hunts, and just start to level. Which is something that I would really suggest. Don't just breeze through the game with only taking time to level once or twice between the story. You really need to level a lot to even come close to some of the monsters that you will be going up against soon. But hunts are fun, and then there are side quests that you can take up. That should keep you busy for 5+ hours. The hunts can get REALLY hard too, so yeah, it gets better. Just have some faith.
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