Alright, I'm gonna snag one this weekend. I was hoping for a price drop announcement, but sadly no go :(
I have a couple questions before I get one though:
A) Which should I get, the 80 gig or 160 gig Drake bundle? Is the 160 gig harddrive actually worth it? I don't plan on having any movies or anything saved to my PS3. I'll probably buy Drake anyways though.
B) Is the Bluray DVD remote worth getting?
C) Do PS3's have a history of breaking down like 360's? My original PS2 is still kicking no prob, and I've never had any problems with my 360, but I do recall both having a lot of issues for other people. Does the PS3 suffer from anything like RROD, and is it worth getting the extended warranty some stores offer?
Thanks for your help!
1) Hmmm, dont be too sure about that. Keep in mind that many PS3 games require installs, so it will eat away at your hard drive in no time. So, I recommend you get an 80GB ($400), and get this $100 HDD which is 500GB: .... damn, mozilla wont let me copy and paste.
Go to, and search for a Samsung SpinPoint M60SHM500LI Internal 2.5" SATA-300 5400 rpm
There are 2 left, so hurry. If they are sold out, then look for a Western Digital 500GB 2.5" internal SATA. Amazon gives great discounts, normally they slash the price of these $200 HDDs in half :)
So basically youre getting a $500 500GB PS3, by comparison you would have payed the same price for 160GB.
Just be sure to get Uncharted, btw. Its awesome.
2) No. Your controller does the exact same thing, but this is really up to personal preference.
3) The PS3 is far more reliable than the 360, but some will inevitably fail, like all products. Watch out if your Blu-Ray player stops working, such that you can no longer play games or movies. And ive heard something about about a Yellow Dot of Doom, but Im not sure what that is. BTW, if your PS3 turns off by itseld and blinks the blue light repeatedly (or maybe it was green?), it doesnt mean it crapped out on you. It means that its way too hot and turned itself off to keep it from melting :) . This has never happened to me, but occasionaly some guy freaks out on yahoo answers and come in screaming that question.
Dont worry though, Ive had mine for a year and the worst that happened is that the controller stopped working. A quick restart solved that, and it only happened once.
Games to get:
inFamous (downloaded the demo, its actually very good! I was surprised)
Killzone 2
Valkyria Chronicles
Resistance 1 & 2 (Pretty fun, dont know why people hate on it)
Ratchet and Clank (hilarious)
Id recommend you rent...
Heavenly Sword (you may or may not like it)
Gran Turismo 5 Proluge (Everybody loves this, but it just didnt click for me)
Have a good one bro :)
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