I say a mix, but if I had to go with only one side, I would go with story, mainly because a game would break apart without story, but of cousre, gameplay is a factor
Edit: I think to be honest the more i place thought, Gameplay you need more
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I say a mix, but if I had to go with only one side, I would go with story, mainly because a game would break apart without story, but of cousre, gameplay is a factor
Edit: I think to be honest the more i place thought, Gameplay you need more
For me story is more important because I want to feel like Im accomplishing something and doing something that matters in the game world. Thats not to say that I will settle for crap gameplay, no way but there has to be a point to blowing something up or rescuing someone and thats why story is the most important factor.
I like solid gameplay with an interesting story, but it all goes to gameplay realistically. You simply have to have good gameplay, there's no point continuing with a game if it isn't fun to play.
My most well liked games have both good stories and good gameplay but I can be content with a good gameplay experience but not content with just a good story. For instance, I hated SWFU, even though the story was amazing and well done, I could not stand the gameplay and barely forced myself to beat the game. But Borderlands, the story is pretty much nonexistent as far as I'm aware. However, I have a blast everytime I play the game and see myself squeezing every bit of fun out of it I can.
Where's the option for graphics? It's obvious that graphics trumphs gameplay/story which such is said in system wars. :P
I think everyone would say gameplay, kuz im sure we've all played a game where the story was just goofy, but the gameplay was bad ass.
i say gameplay, yes i want a good story but if i dont like the gamplay then i wont like the game.jcopp72
Quoted for the truth.;)
Gemplay rules. Gameplay is also story, some would say the main story of a game. Although many developers don't think this way; think about this, when you tell somebody about a videogame do you usually talk about the story or what you did as a player?... infact you probably talk about gameplay as story.
Story is rarely gameplay. Story should be handled in such a way that it's everything you can't play; but I don't mind a story-heavy game, if the story is good enough to stand it.
this.. :D.. i love Demon's souls which isnt really popular for the story.. :3Both. If I had to pick one? Gameplay.
the gameplay is what makes a game what it is, i'd like a good story too but if the gameplay is bad then the story wouldn't be enouhg just to keep me playing a bad game
Gameplay. I can beat a game if the gameplay is great but the story is horrible. I can't if it's the other way around, it's why I never play JRPGs, I just can't get into the gameplay.
I'd say gameplay if I had to choose. But if it's story heavy, like MGS's or Heavy Rain, a good story can win me over pretty easily.
*cough* bulletstorm *cough*I think everyone would say gameplay, kuz im sure we've all played a game where the story was just goofy, but the gameplay was bad ass.
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