Here is a list of all of the games that look good for the res of this year. What ones are you excited for?
Madden 09-August 12th
Tiger Woods 09-August 26th
Disgaea 3 Absebce of Justice- August 26th
Mercenaries 2- August 31st
Baja Edge of control- September 8th
NHL 09- September 9th
Pure-September 16th
Star Wars The Force Unleashed- September 16th
Brothers in Arms Hells Highway- September 23rd
Silen Hill Homecoming- September 30th
Far Cry 2- October 1st
Project Origin- October 1st
Fallout 3-October 7th
Fracture- October 7th
NBA 2K9- October 7th
Midnight Club LA-October 7th
Motorstorm Pacific Rift- October 7th
Fifa 09- October 14th
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm- October 14th
Socom Confrontation- October 14th
Saints Row 2- October 14th
Tom Clancy's Endwar-October 15th
Rock Band 2- October 19th
Dead Space- Ocober 20th
Ghostbusters- October 21st
Spiderman Web of Shadows- October 21st
Little big planet- October 21st
Guitar Hero World Tour- October 26th
Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon- October 28th
Bioshock- November 3rd
Quantum of Solace-November 4th
Resistance 2- November 4th
Enternal Sonata- November 4th
Lord of the Rings:Conquest- November 4th
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe- November 10th
Valkyria Chrionicles- November 11th
Call of Duty World at War- November 11th
Mirrors Edge- November 11th
Tomb Raider Underworld- November 18th
Prince of Persia- November 18th
Wipeout HD- Q4 2008
Flower- Q4 2008
The sad thing is i cant get them all
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