What PS3 games have great stories/endings?
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MGS4 but te story totally depends on whether you have played the first 3 titles. If you have than you will know why MGS4 has the best story and conclusion/ending this gen.
Bioshock without question was one of the best stories ever told through gaming. Uncharted 2, while not groundbreaking, was ridiculously well executed. Heavy Rain was solid, but I'm still a sucker for FF VII.
Almost want to buy a 360 just for both Mass Effects though.
MGS4 (by a long shot) is my favorite story in any game ever. that being said the first 3 were great and are needed for MGS4 to be as great as it is.
Infamous for a sandbox game was pretty good.
Uncharted 1 and 2 (i liked 2 better) were as someone said above, nothing horribly innovative story wise but the execution was flawless. Sure we have seen action before, but the scenes and graphics made it an amazing ride!
Half-Life series, although I have not beaten all of it yet, it is pretty good especially given when the first one came out.
Diablo series (II moreso) only because I LOVE the scenes lol. Nothing special really, but the scenes are so fun to watch :).
Tales of Symphonia to me was great, if anything a little overdramatic but I kinda like that. I am sure it was done before in other games like FF and such. For me it was rather original and entertaining only because of what games I have not played lol.
FFX seems very similar to ToS but If I am not mistaken FFX came out first. Great scenes and of a higher production value though then ToS.
i cant believe so many of you like the endings to the uncharted games!? their both great games that i still play dont get me wrong. but the endings in both imo were a letdown compared to all the build up and potential plot turn. both endings feel rushed and lackluster...to me at least.
i agree infamous had a great ending. that surprised me. i only beat it on hero though. is it a different ending as a villain?
the mgs series and how #4 ends is the sure win though. i mean its hard to compete with over 20 yrs of story and gaming. im still sad snakes gone...
sorry couldnt help myself. :P
GTA always have a good story and number 4 topped itself
Im surprised as FPS being mentioned, they all suck on the sotry front except for Half Life
Please be joking.
Anyways, why is everybody saying MGS4 when MGS2 and MGS3 cleary have the superior story?
Lots of them! You should look to --> **~ WWW.GAMESPOT.COM ~** to look at game reviews and decide what you like the looks of!
Well let's face it. Pretty much every video game story sucks in comparison to movies/novels but the only ones that I can take seriously are: MGS4 (to an extent) - The twists are amazing and the characters are very well rounded and likeable. The story itself also manages to evoke emotion from the player as well as being all around epic. However, some things are just to over the top like A white blooded cyborg Ninja fighting an Immortal vampire with 5 half mechanical, half organic. When you think about it; how much of that was REALLY necessary? Vamp serves no purpose in story development nor does Raiden. It would have been better if they just kept Raiden 100% human. At least Vamp was explained......MGS doesn't take itself too seriously which is nice but there was a vast departure in realism since MGS1. Sure, MGS1 was silly at times but MGS4 is just bat**** crazy. Nevertheless, for all it's inconsistencies and short comings, I never really cared as I was playing. The characters make the game and the conclusion is still more than satisfying enough that it brought a tear to my eye.
Bioshock - The story to this game is one of the best in gaming. Not only is the atmosphere incredible but the structure itself is also amazing. While not realistic in anyway, that was never the intention. The atmosphere is so enticing it actually feels like an entity within the game, another character if you will. The characters are a mixed and varied bag but all suitable. You have Atlus the Irishman trying to save his family who is both likeable and charismatic. Then you have Andrew Ryan, the evil mastermind who sought to create a perfect undersea world. The pacing in the game is top notch and the ultimate twist at the end is so intense it'll make you're gut wrench. Now, would you kindly share your favourites.
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