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ok id understand the first time they gave ur games back, but going in the 2nd time!!! and they still game u the game and 40bucks, somethin is fishy here, they dont go around giving people 40bucks, i dont know not callin u a liar or anythin but somethin dont smell right, maybe its my girls cooking, but i doubt it cuz she cooks pretty damn good and smells good so lol its somethin else thenJoKeR_421
whats for lunch??:P
That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
he never heard of Karma????
Thats funny cause when I traded in games they would always put them to the side where I could not get to them.How blind/dumb was this guy?K1LLR3175
(the girl in your sig)
Naw.I think what he meant was this.He went to gamestop.Traded his games in,some how got them back.Put his 40 dollars toward Call of duty5.Then he took his games to a store called playntrade and got another 40 bucks that he put towards R2 the next day.It was very dishonest of him no matter how much Gamestop wants to rip people off.But then again I guess that guy should have been paying more attention.I want to know how he took them back without anybody seeing you?K1LLR3175
the guy gave him the games back because he wasnt paying attention. neither were you apparently :P
That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
It's not stealing, stealing is actively taking something without the owner's consent, when someone gives you the wrong change, or as this fellow did, giving you the games back... it is not stealing.
That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
Yeah, once I bought something and paid 10 bucks, but the clerk was buys and thought I gave him 100 so he gave me 90 bucks change. I gave it back to him...don't mess with Karma, it will f you up.:)
If you haven't actually spent that store credit, and by "spent", I mean actually purchased something, not just put it towards Call of Duty, don't be surprised if you find out that, after you left, the manager on duty simply voided the transaction.
As a former Gamestop store manager, I can assure you it happens quite often.
At a GameCrazy I bought the Fallout 3 guide (standard) and then decided to return it later that day because I found the hardbound Collectors Edition of the guide at a GameStop - so I was going to take the money and go buy that one instead. The cashier and Manager were both standing there when I was doing the return and the cashier gave me back my money and handed me the guide back. I have to say I was tempted to leave with the guide and money - but I was honest instead and handed the guide back to him and told him I didn't think he meant to give me that. As I was walking out it looked the manager was about to go off on the cashier. LOL
Anyway - Karma will get ya - honesty is ALWAYS the best policy - especially if you EVER plan on returning to that store again to buy anything else. From managements point of view you are a thief now - not one they can prosecute neccessarily since it was their mistake - but yeah they will not like you being in their store very much at all.
[QUOTE="K1LLR3175"]Naw.I think what he meant was this.He went to gamestop.Traded his games in,some how got them back.Put his 40 dollars toward Call of duty5.Then he took his games to a store called playntrade and got another 40 bucks that he put towards R2 the next day.It was very dishonest of him no matter how much Gamestop wants to rip people off.But then again I guess that guy should have been paying more attention.I want to know how he took them back without anybody seeing you?amcallisterni
the guy gave him the games back because he wasnt paying attention. neither were you apparently :P
Either way it was kinda dishonest,A few months ago I went to EB Games for their "gamersday sale" and picked up 7 games. Most of them were 360 games which were $4.99 (The Darkness, NHL 2K8, etc), and at the time I figured I'd pickup a used copy of 'Dead Rising' for $29.99 because I had recently played the demo and thought the game was cool. Basically, it should have been 6 games @ $4.99 each, and then Dead Rising at $29.99, but the cashier rang it up as 7 games at $4.99 each. I noticed this immediately as I was paying but didn't say anything, and I got out of there without a problem. I felt like I was stealing but I took the deal as it was his mistake, and I like to get good deals on games. Not the most moral thing I've ever done, but life goes on.
As far as the guy who originally started this thread, I think your situation is a bit different. You sold your games to Gamestop and they now belonged to the store. By walking out with the games and the cash, that is definitely theft imo. But honestly, most guys would do what you did I think. Still, karma will come back to get you at some point.........And I know, I know, I'm a hypocrite, but I'm cool with that. Me and Karma are friends.
i have 2 storiess one was when i bought mario golf ages ago for 20 dollars and when i got home i found mario kart double dash in there instead what was great because i wanted that more anyway and that was worth 50.
the second time same shop i was trading in some games and got 100 dollars store credit so i picked my games, gun and incredible hulk but then he turned around to me and said u still got 50 left. my dad looked at me smiled and said go on worth to get it now. so i also got metroid prime 2. was great deal for me. i wouldnt be surprised if it wasnt the same person lol
sorry if bad grammer =)
[QUOTE="aflakian"]That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
It's not stealing, stealing is actively taking something without the owner's consent, when someone gives you the wrong change, or as this fellow did, giving you the games back... it is not stealing.
even if its not stealing...its still the indecent thing to do so why u encouraging this
Um... "also its fun taking the price tags off of cheap games, putting them on expensive ones and then going up to the counter and trying to buy it, and when they say something like .. oh this must've been mislabeled, i make a big fuss and talk to the manager if they won't sell it to me for the ridiculously low price." You do realize that this is flat out theft - no ifs ands or buts about it and you can still be prosecuted for doing this. The main criteria needed for theft is - Intent - which you have just stated that you most definitely have intent. I would be very careful about posting statements like this.i bought a 4 dollar PS2 game once (Madden 03 for the PS2 online instal file on it) and i handed the guy a 5 and he gave me 45.50 back in change, i stopped and looked at the guy and say "um is this a joke, you gave me too much".. he looked at me smugly and said "no i didn't, looked at the customer behind me and said, can i help you?" so i left with it.. he had his chance MWUHAHAHA!!
also its fun taking the price tags off of cheap games, putting them on expensive ones and then going up to the counter and trying to buy it, and when they say something like .. oh this must've been mislabeled, i make a big fuss and talk to the manager if they won't sell it to me for the ridiculously low price.. works most of the time.. got Prince of Persia Two Thrones for 9 bucks the day after it came out :lol:!
also its fun taking the price tags off of cheap games, putting them on expensive ones and then going up to the counter and trying to buy it, and when they say something like .. oh this must've been mislabeled, i make a big fuss and talk to the manager if they won't sell it to me for the ridiculously low price.. works most of the time.. got Prince of Persia Two Thrones for 9 bucks the day after it came out :lol:!
Be careful with that.
If they scan the barcode, they'll know the price tag doesn't belong to that game.
Meh this stuff happens all the time. I give a cashier a twenty for buying 4 dollars worth of stuff he gives me two tens and a one instead of a ten, a five, and a one. I didn't realize untill I got home. If I realized at the store, I would have gave it back to him.
Its always better to do the right thing cause you never know when it could pay off big time. If you happen to find someones wallet try to return it to them and more likely than not you'll get a reward for doing the right thing.
i went to my local gamestop to trade in mercs 2 and gtaiv towards cod5. they gave me 40$ and that lil preoder reciept thing.BUT they also gave me the games back lmao so i got 40$ FREE towards cod5 and my games back hahaha. so then the next day i went to playntrade and got 40$ more and got Resistence 2. i luv it true story hahahahah that guy was a dummy he was to busy talking!!!:PxxRambo_21xx
Dude that was really dishonest, think about it...that guy could have lost his job because of you and that kind of stuff goes on your record so he may not be able to get another could have ruined his life for 40 bucks! I would never do that lol.
[QUOTE="EnigmaticBeauty"][QUOTE="aflakian"]That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
It's not stealing, stealing is actively taking something without the owner's consent, when someone gives you the wrong change, or as this fellow did, giving you the games back... it is not stealing.
even if its not stealing...its still the indecent thing to do so why u encouraging this
My thouights exactly.
That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
[QUOTE="aflakian"]That's pretty dishonest.
If a clerk ever gives me too much change, I always return the excess.
Even if it's their mistake, it's stealing if you're aware of it.
It's not stealing, stealing is actively taking something without the owner's consent, when someone gives you the wrong change, or as this fellow did, giving you the games back... it is not stealing.
Wrong, its still stealing. No one asked you to redefine the term.
i went to my local gamestop to trade in mercs 2 and gtaiv towards cod5. they gave me 40$ and that lil preoder reciept thing.BUT they also gave me the games back lmao so i got 40$ FREE towards cod5 and my games back hahaha. so then the next day i went to playntrade and got 40$ more and got Resistence 2. i luv it true story hahahahah that guy was a dummy he was to busy talking!!!:PxxRambo_21xxSo instead of being honest about it you chose to take the games that no longer belonged to you? That's sad.
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