I'm getting a PSP Slim for my sister (age 24), and I wanted to know if theres peripherals that are must haves (ie screen protectors, add ons, connectors etc). Is there any special connectors i need so that she can play the psp on a regular tv or my 22inch samsung monitor (which i use to play ps3 on through a DVI-D --> hdmi cable)? I was wondering just in case she wanted to play on a screen thats a bigger. I also read something about being able to use ps3 controllers on a psp, is this possible yet, or just in the design phases? If it is possible, could someone help me find what connectors I would need to accomplish this?
I'm also wondering if there are any good games that she might enjoy (take into account she's female and might not like stuff like MGS enough to beat the game). She does like some racing games usually if that helps a bit. I need something that would make her a PSP addict.Possible 1 or afewreally fun addicting game that'll keep her playing for awhile, cuz i know she's been wanting a psp for awhile.
Sorry if this is asking a lot lol, but since im gonna spend so much, I might as well make sure everything is perfect. Thanks though --all help is appreciated.
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