I have to admit that when I first start playing online multiplayer in games like COD, MGO and Soul Caliber IV, I get obliterated frequently. Most recently in Soul Caliber 4, where I've been playing for a week and become fairly good with one character--I go into online play and find that almost everyone has mastered all of the characters and combos perfectly (I know it's been out for a while). In COD4 I've gotten to maybe level 25 on the first prestige, and I'm barely at a 1.00 kdr. I'm decent in MGO since I only kill by knife and employ stealth tactics. I know that if I took more time to learn the games and memorize the maps I'd do much better, but then I wonder if I can ever match the obsessiveness of the best players.
How do you approach multiplayer when you're starting out? Are you naturally better at the games, or do you just take your defeats while you gradually improve? Does it ever discourage you that you might not have the time to become one of the best players, or are you happy being in the middle of the rankings? Or do you even care about your rank?
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