[QUOTE="GeneralHawx"]there's a MI-24 HIND in Isla Inocentes, wanted to give ur thread a little boost but its a legitimate statementGrandJuryYeah I found that out the hard way today actually...I will add it. lol what happened?
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[QUOTE="GeneralHawx"]there's a MI-24 HIND in Isla Inocentes, wanted to give ur thread a little boost but its a legitimate statementGrandJuryYeah I found that out the hard way today actually...I will add it. lol what happened?
[QUOTE="GrandJury"][QUOTE="GeneralHawx"]there's a MI-24 HIND in Isla Inocentes, wanted to give ur thread a little boost but its a legitimate statementGeneralHawxYeah I found that out the hard way today actually...I will add it. lol what happened?
I made the Hind my ***** with my Gustav. :)
[QUOTE="GrandJury"][QUOTE="GeneralHawx"]there's a MI-24 HIND in Isla Inocentes, wanted to give ur thread a little boost but its a legitimate statementGeneralHawxYeah I found that out the hard way today actually...I will add it. lol what happened?I spawned thinking, hey what a great spot to start the game...KABOOM. Hind tore my ass to pieces.
lol what happened?[QUOTE="GeneralHawx"][QUOTE="GrandJury"]Yeah I found that out the hard way today actually...I will add it.1bigsmoke55
I made the Hind my ***** with my Gustav. :)
lolWeapons part 2
Recon weapons
Originally designed to use the .30-06 Magnum cartridge it was eventually re-chambered to use the 7.62 round. This did not reduce the range or the stopping power as the M24 still is popular with sniper teams worldwide.
My say-The first sniper you get in the game and easily one of the best believe it or not.
Type 88 sniper
The Type 88 is a new Chinese automatic rifle used as a marksman weapon rather than a sniper rifle. Able to employ various optics, the weapon has backup iron sights and a 10 round magazine.
My say- The second sniper rifle that is given to you and in my opinion the best semi auto sniper in the game. It also works well with the red dot scope for up close and medium shots. Required points: 2,200.
SV98 Snaiperskaya Info
An ambidextrous bolt-action rifle capable of neutralizing targets up to a range of 1,000 meters, the SV-98 is designed to allow various optical system configurations. It is popular with Russian police and anti-terrorist units.
My say-Not much to say about this sniper. Great with the 4x scope. Required points: 6,000.
SVU snaiperskaya short
Sacrificing stopping power and accuracy the bullpup design is based on the Dragunov SVD. The SVU was originally designed for Russian airborne but was adopted by police forces for urban operations.
My say-A mediocre semi auto sniper. The only thing I can really say that is good about this gun is the big muzzle which makes the gun noiseless when shooting.Required points: 21,000.
GOL Sniper Magnum
With outstanding accuracy this rifle provides exceptional performance in difficult situations. Its long range and pinpoint accuracy makes it the rifle of choice with German police agencies and counter terrorist units.
My say-The best sniper in the game. Great accuracy, great power and overall just feels amazing. Even a snipng noob like me had fun with this gun. Required points: 21,000.
VSS Snaiperskaya special
The VSS is compact silenced and chambered for subsonic 9x39 mm round. The round differs from standard 9 m in that it delivers more energy and penetrating capability up to a range of 400 meters.
My say-This fully auto sniper is ideal for the person who may not be ready for the bolt action snipers just yet, offering as I like to call "Room for error". Required points: 26,000.
M95 sniper
A bolt action variant of the semiautomatic M82A1, the M95s bullpup layout reduces size but maintains overall barrel length. It's primary roles are anti-material and counter-sniper operations.
My say-The standard bolt action 50. cal rifle. It is the last sniper you will unlock. It deals the most damage but has some questionable accuracy at times. Required points: 34,000.
DTN-4 (Plastic Explosives). A C-4 charge safely and easily transported, but once armed is susceptible to detonation if handled inproperly. It can be attached to most surfaces for easy rigging and setup. An added feature is its ability to be remotely triggered by an operator (command-detonation).
My say- For snipers C4 can come in handy in a variety of ways. You could blow trees out of your line of sight, set traps of on coming vehicles or plant some well placed C4 next to the bases and watch as some fool tries to plant the charge.
Motion sensors
An integral tool for scouting and collecting real time intelligence, this portable high tech device is designed for sensing even the slightest twitch of movement alerting an owner when an enemy has breached the premises on foot, or by vehicle.
My say-Snipers, please throw these little sensors down and around important areas. They detect movment on your map and with a small beeping sound. They help, trust me.
Mortar strike
A fully automated Indirect-fire Weapon System. It can target, direct and adjust firing solutions for 120mm mortars. It acts as a force multiplier for small units that do not have weapons support.
My say-Snipers seems to not grasp what this is good for so I shall explain. Mortar strikes are big powerful things which fall from the sky, the hurt badly once they land on an enemy. They scare people away from things too. When a mortar strike should be used. When you see a big group of people in one area, when somebody planeted a charge and you want to keep the enemies from defusing it, when you see a tank sitting in one spot. When they should NOT be used. When you are bored, when you think you MAYBE kill one guy, on your own team members. Use your thinking cap when calling these in please. Required points: 4,000.
12x scope
A highly efficient compliment to sniper rifles, this 12x optical sight intensifies zoom power while also providing substantially longer range accuracy. It allows greater stand off striking capability and target engagement.
My say-The 12x scope allows you to see a lot further in the area. Only the sniper can use this scope.
All Kit weapons
In this part of the guide I will be telling you about the weapons ALL of the kits can use, starting with the....
M9 pistol
9mm semi-automatic pistol which has served as the primary pistol of the US military. Equipped with a 15 round staggered magazine with reversible release. An optimal level of mobility accounts for considerable lack of power.
My say-The standard military pistol and the first one you are given in the game.
Adopted as sidearm for all branches of the Russian military and law enforcement, this 17 round semi-automatic pistol boasts high mobility and operates with a short recoil.
My say-The second pistol you unlock in the game. Required rank: 3.
WW2 M1911.45
A favorite sidearm among special forces this 7 round semi-automatic pistol boasts a .45 caliber stopping power enabling the operator to dispose of an opponent with lethal close range fire.
My say- Probably my favorite pistol in the game. This gun is given to you for free right at the start if you got the limited edition of the game, if not then the required rank would be: 4.
MP-412 Rex
A 6 round revolver revered for its close range edge and notable Magnum firepower. Its top break design is a throw back to old 6-shooters of the "Wild West".
My say-The most powerful pistol in the game. This is the standard magnum, great fire power, low accuracy and low fire rate. Required rank: 12.
M93R burst
A modified iteration of the M9, this 3 round burst pistol engages with superb mobility and a high rate of fire compensating for low power. Ideal for close quarter combat and personal defense scenarios.
My say-The last pistol you get. Quite frankly this gun should only be used in Hardcore games. Yeah it has a burst fire but the power is weak. Required rank: 13.
870 combat
The 870 Modular Combat Shotgun is a powerful shotgun ideal for close quarters battle where breaching and stopping power is critical. It can be configured for multi-mission roles with various ammunition combinations.
My say-The very first shotgun you get in the game. Required rank:1.
Saiga 20K semi
A Russian made 20 gauge, semiautomatic shotgun, similar in appearance to the AK-74. It uses a 6 round box magazine for easy loading. It has an excellent rate of fire and devastating stopping power.
My say- Do not follow what the above info says. This is the second shotgun you earn and the first of two semi shotguns. This one has good things about it but over all it is pretty mediocre. Required rank: 2.
Spaz-12 combat
Designed for police and military applications, the SPAS 12 is a versatile and reliable pump action shotgun. It's been in service for over 37 years and is a favorite among special ops.
My say- This shotgun is alright at best, it is already hard enough trying to hit people with any of this shotguns but for some reasons this one just seems to be the worst in terms of accuracy. Required rank: 18.
A bullpup shotgun excellent for confined spaces. It features unusual design elements such as a forward sliding cocking mechanism and over-the-barrel tubular magazine.
My say- This shotgun is the second to last one you get. It is better than the Spazz in terms of being able to him people(IMO). Also this shotgun does the most amount of damage. Required rank: 20.
The South Korean made USAS-12 is a gas-operated, magazine fed shotgun capable of either semiautomatic or fully automatic fire. Its bulk and weight are no deterrent when mission requirements ask for firepower and capacity.
My say-Probably my favorite shotgun in the game. This is the very last shotgun you get and I believe the second to last weapon you get as well. It is best used with the slugs and magnum ammo to give it more range, accuracy and power. Required rank: 21.
Submachine gun
M1A1 Thomson
The new installment of the "Tommy Gun". This 30 round fully automatic submachine gun was adopted by the US army and the allies in WWII. Possessing .45 caliber stopping power complimented by firing 600 rounds per minute.
My say-This weapon is given to you right from the start for free if you bought the limited edition. It is actually a pretty cool gun if you know how to use it. The key is to fire in short burst and you can actually pick of enemies from quite a distance. If you did not get a limited edition required rank is: 10.
WW2 M1 Garand
The father of the M14 assault rifle, the inaugural standard issue semi-automatic rifle utilized by the US army in WWII. This weapon is full value due to its awesome power and accuracy from long range.
My say-The M1 Garand can only be gotten through becoming a battlefield Veteran. To do this task you need to go to the battlefield veterans site and register any Battlefield games that you have played. You need at least two games to get the weapon. The gun itself is very awesome, great accuracy and good firepower. Also unlike the M14 the Iron sight is not a total pain in the butt.
This modified version of the M14, a 20 round semi-automatic battle rifle represents a weapon tailored for carrying out designated marksman roles, augmented with a telescoping stock that aids in long range combat.
My say-A great rifle in terms of power and accuracy, but thanks to the terrible iron sight I really can't recommend it. Required rank: 19.
Known as a "Battle Rifle" because of its 7.62mm round and heavy frame, this weapon is capable of fully automatic fire at a rate of 600 rmp. The 20 round magazine is offset by the incredible stopping power of the 7.62mm round.
My say-Easily my favorite weapon in the game. This is the last gun you unlock and it is great, especially in HC games. It has great fire power, great accuracy and a good firing rate to balance it all out. The only down side is the fact that you can't put any attachments to it. Thankfully the iron site is really good. Required rank:22
Well for some guns magnum ammo might be a waste. The M95 already has 100 power and should kill in one shot, but it doesn't in regular games which is weird. You can try it with Magnum ammo and see if you have better results, if not then just use something else.Grandy, when my loadout is the M95, do i still have to equip the magnum ammo and the 12x scope, or should i just equip something else?
When it comes to flying the Black hawk learn to fly in a wide circle around the enemies base. I have no tips at all for flying the Apache lol.I badly need some flying lessons...
I badly need some flying lessons...
i could teach you the basics. the apache is the only heli i like flying.
I badly need some flying lessons...
i could teach you the basics. the apache is the only heli i like flying.
Yeah we all know lol.Blackhawk is a road killing machine. :)
I badly need some flying lessons...
i could teach you the basics. the apache is the only heli i like flying.
Yeah we all know lol. He rains death from above. bigsmoke is almost invincible in an Apache. Although I maight be able to take him down with a UAV. Otherwise I'd stand no chance. :P[QUOTE="roddollente"]
no need.
Not to brag but.... My K/D sucks though.
kinda lazy to play now. i mean, ive unlocked all. it took out the fun in unlocking for me. and the exploration. i basically know now what to do unlike my earlier levels. lol. and at this level i can just differentiate what guns people use. i mean, everytime it's M60, M95, AN-94 ABAKAN, M! Garand, G3, etc. no more weak guns. T_T
no need.
Not to brag but.... My K/D sucks though.
kinda lazy to play now. i mean, ive unlocked all. it took out the fun in unlocking for me. and the exploration. i basically know now what to do unlike my earlier levels. lol. and at this level i can just differentiate what guns people use. i mean, everytime it's M60, M95, AN-94 ABAKAN, M! Garand, G3, etc. no more weak guns. T_T
They need to add more guns.
Engineer-P90 or MP5
Medic- Minimi
Recon-Mcmillan tac-50.
I use to use the M60 a lot but not anymore. I am the one medic who loves the shotty or G3.GrandJury
R70 shotgun is underated. I love it now with the American Engineer.
I am a bit cheap though. USAS shotty with slugs and magnum ammo in hardcore is king.GrandJury
Lol. Is it true that slugs go super far?
I can't help but notice there is no part in the guide where it gives you a lengthy explanation of how to T-bag correctly. I am quite fond of the parachute t bag or as I call the p - bag.
i dont like the G3, 'cause it doesnt have scope and i have very bad eyes. T_T
fave weapon in AN94 ABAKAN. it's just badass. i can take out Recons with it lol.
the most uderrated is the Smoke Grenade. damn. it's so useful for Recons. especially when defending. id fire 3 shots in front of the objectives, so the Attackers come running forward not knowing that when they get out, guns are waiting for them. and you can kill with it whcih is hilarious.
i dont like the G3, 'cause it doesnt have scope and i have very bad eyes. T_T
fave weapon in AN94 ABAKAN. it's just badass. i can take out Recons with it lol.
the most uderrated is the Smoke Grenade. damn. it's so useful for Recons. especially when defending. id fire 3 shots in front of the objectives, so the Attackers come running forward not knowing that when they get out, guns are waiting for them. and you can kill with it whcih is hilarious.
There's a Rumor Going around that Dice with add scopes to the M14 and G3.
[QUOTE="GrandJury"]I am a bit cheap though. USAS shotty with slugs and magnum ammo in hardcore is king.1bigsmoke55
Lol. Is it true that slugs go super far?
OHHHH YES my friend. It is awesome. Just make sure you can aim with the shotgun first. This is why it is best with the SAIGA or the USAS.I love that gun as well. When I use to play assault I loved it. The burst fire was better than the M16's in my opinion.i dont like the G3, 'cause it doesnt have scope and i have very bad eyes. T_T
fave weapon in AN94 ABAKAN. it's just badass. i can take out Recons with it lol.
the most uderrated is the Smoke Grenade. damn. it's so useful for Recons. especially when defending. id fire 3 shots in front of the objectives, so the Attackers come running forward not knowing that when they get out, guns are waiting for them. and you can kill with it whcih is hilarious.
i dont like the G3, 'cause it doesnt have scope and i have very bad eyes. T_T
fave weapon in AN94 ABAKAN. it's just badass. i can take out Recons with it lol.
the most uderrated is the Smoke Grenade. damn. it's so useful for Recons. especially when defending. id fire 3 shots in front of the objectives, so the Attackers come running forward not knowing that when they get out, guns are waiting for them. and you can kill with it whcih is hilarious.
There's a Rumor Going around that Dice with add scopes to the M14 and G3.
With the M14 it is pretty much needed. You can't see anything with that damn iron sight, on the flip side I love the G3's Iron sights.[QUOTE="1bigsmoke55"][QUOTE="roddollente"]
i dont like the G3, 'cause it doesnt have scope and i have very bad eyes. T_T
fave weapon in AN94 ABAKAN. it's just badass. i can take out Recons with it lol.
the most uderrated is the Smoke Grenade. damn. it's so useful for Recons. especially when defending. id fire 3 shots in front of the objectives, so the Attackers come running forward not knowing that when they get out, guns are waiting for them. and you can kill with it whcih is hilarious.
There's a Rumor Going around that Dice with add scopes to the M14 and G3.
With the M14 it is pretty much needed. You can't see anything with that damn iron sight, on the flip side I love the G3's Iron sights.M14 Iron Sights suck so bad.
Why do you think most people run around with it like a shotgun lol.GrandJury
Who knows? hopefully i can use it as a frontline Sniper Rifle. Anyways i'm off.
seriously Grand ur really nice for putting out so much effort lets all cheer for GrandJury lol dang some of these guns take forever to unlock I want to try the G3 and the M14
I am a bit cheap though. USAS shotty with slugs and magnum ammo in hardcore is king.GrandJury
Lol. Is it true that slugs go super far?
OHHHH YES my friend. It is awesome. Just make sure you can aim with the shotgun first. This is why it is best with the SAIGA or the USAS. I prefer to snipe with the NS 2000. :Preally why?Nice work putting all that together :)
But overall I just didn't like the multiplayer
What's a C.lass?
Class I don't know why he wrote it like that though Sometimes for me it won't allow me to post class and I have to alter the word, I dunno' why. :P Maybe he just did it as a precaution so he wouldn't need to change it if it didn't work.Please Log In to post.
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