Hello, before I explain my issue I would like to start off and say that no I'm not trolling. This is something I'm actually curious about.
I have a ps3 and an xbox 360, I got a ps3 for christmas and I got a few games like uncharted 2, cod 4 and LBP and stuff. Right away I noticed how beautiful the main menu looked on my 1080p HD tv with an HDMI cable, I couldn't wait to start playing. I put in cod 4 and immidietly noticed that it straight away went to the native resolution and didn't upscale and I noticed that the shading looked horrible and it was just so dark. I changed settings so the brightness was up and stuff but still, looked a lot worse then the 360 version of cod 4. Is there some settings I can change to improve the graphics because all I have heard out of the ps3 community was how crisp and beatiful the graphics looked.
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