Crysis has finally met it's match.
I just finished playing through Borneo in Uncharted 2 and I couldn't help but compare the scenery to Crysis, and as far as I'm concerned, Uncharted 2 absolutely blows Crysis out of the water. The level of detail in every square inch of the game is unbelievable! I can only imagine how hard the guys at Naughty Dog had to work to achieve this.
There have been plenty of games with graphics that compete with Crysis, such as MGS4, Dead Space, Killzone 2, etc., but none have completely obliterated it like Uncharted 2 has. The production quality of this game is higher than many hollywood blockbusters.
IMO, Killzone 2 is probably second to U2...
P.S. -- I don't really consider Crysis' graphics to be all that great but it's what many consider the be the high-water mark of graphics. I think many of the PS3 titles I mentioned above are actually a lot better looking than Crysis. I guess it's because of all the leaves... ?
What do you guys think?
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