Are these trophies retroactive? Because there's no way i'm restarting this game in a long time to come.
it has been pretty much 100% confirmed that psn trophies on the ps3 CAN'T EVER be retroactive. criterion locked burnout game saves so that they could make their trophies retroactive when they tools from sony to make them. they ran into issues and found that it was not possible for them to make the trophies retroactive. now if the game save is locked to the account and at the time criterion were 100% they could be retroactive but when they looked into it found it wasnt possible then thats enough proof for me.
criterion are 1 of the best devs this gen, if they cant make the trophies retroactive (even to they prepared in advance to make them retroactive) then its not possible to be done.
back on topic though now that we know (if there even is a patch) that they wont be retroactive. word is that rockstar want to release the patch around the same time as the release of saints row. with the release of this patch people like myself will be glued to gta and wont even bother looking at saints row until i have gta4 completed (why? because im a trophy whore) with so many people actually owning gta and so many trophy whores this will definetly hurt the day 1 sales of saints row because many people just wont be bothered at the time because gta will have trophies.
saints row is released in 2 weeks from today so hey it might be possible so keep your fingers crossed. since there is already a completed trophy list along with the icons for every trophy aswell as them knowing which are gold silver and bronze makes me think the patch (if it is real) is almost complete.
just 1 thing to point out to ye. although the trophies are a lot like the achievements for the 360 the icons are different. i dont own the 360 version but i can remember looking at a friends achievements for the game and they were black and gold icons and the kill a rockstar dev online had a big gold R in the middle. the icons for the ps3 trophies look a lot different.
why would someone go to the effort of making 51 little icons for each and every trophy just for a joke?
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