So, as some of you may know... for some reason Kojima Productions is charging players a fee (Not a huge one) for some of the voice commands in MGO. Like... um
"Run!" etc.
Wtf!? What were they thinking? I hate when these companies charge us for this small crap. Is this a rant? Maybe... but I mean could you not agree? What was it, Bad Company they were gonna charge us for new weapons?
I don't think they did in the end but it's just so... retarded.
Hah, and this is the kind of... advertisement for the voice commands. xD
" Ever wished you could make your character a bit more interesting?"
" Well, now YOU can with the all new "MGO Codec Pack" featuring 32 additional voice tracks ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. (This is my favorite part. :D) Whatever you do, they are sure to make you the life of the party!!!"
I don't usually post rants/whining/whatever... but it's just getting old. I love MGS the whole series. And I USE to love BF, BF2 was awesome... then they started the 50 expansion with content that wasn't even worth 5 bucks.
Not only that but they're charging us for character slots. You get one for free, kinda plays out like an MMO, you make a character and it stays, levels, all of that stuff. This isn't horrible... since I'll only be using my one guy. But for an Action adventure game with an online that kind of plays out like any other FPS it just seems stupid.
Bet you anything within a month there will be some BS map pack... I don't agree with charging for content for the game you already bought. If they should sell anything it should be the game it self and merchandise (Shirts, hats, etc).
The bottom line is making us the consumers pay for something like that just makes this fantastic gaming company looks so bad. And usually in situations like this it's the production company and not the developers that pull stuff like this.
So read, yell at me, agree with me. It doesn't matter, would just like to read some opinions on how you enjoy or don't enjoy on being riped off. :D
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