[QUOTE="justifythegame"] Um.... it took me like 6 months more or less to beat each mgs game LOL.... i kept getting stuck in places.
As others have said, the demo sucked so bad it turned me away from this game. But if the game gets about a 9 on gamespot i might get it since the only other ps3 game i have is resistance and nba 2k7 which i bought 1 year ago. I can't believe its been this long and we are still waiting for games. If only i had known, i could've just bought a ps3 now and saved $100 or even more with the christmas price drop.
But i cant wait to read a gamespot review for this game, if the story is good enough and the review is good enough to overshadow the lame demo, i might get it. I dont even think there are any other games besides this game coming out this yr for the ps3 right?
You sound surprised. don't forget how long it took the Xbox 360to get GOW out (its first AAA title).
And to answer your second question:
Haze, UT3, Stranglehold, COD , Army of Two, Ratchet & Clank,Assassins Creed, and Home apparently.
Haze - another shooter, pretty sick and tired of playing shooters, if i wanted shooters i would've bought a 360 instead. Besides if i got another one, i would just wait for killzone 2.
COD - ""
UT3 - ""
Stranglehold - reviews dont justify $60
Army of Two - dunno much about this game, but its by EA...so thats the end of that.
Ratchet & Clank - didnt like the other ones either
Home - thats not even a game, its part of ps3
Assasin's Creed - this game looks cool, i guess theres at least 1 game, too bad its not a game developed just for the ps3, it might've been really impressive.
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