After watching the new DMC trailer, I was in a bit of shock. This was Devil May Cry? Really? Dante looked... different.
I was especially confused by two things:
- Game journalists reporting that the game featured Dante as a youngster
- Trailers and whatnot touting the game as a "rebirth"
With that, I just assumed that this was a prequel to the entire DMC sega with Dante as a kid (you can hear something about a Juvie facility in the trailer) and the universe was still pretty much the same. So yeah, this "rebirth" will probably come in the gameplay and the fact that it's being made by Ninja Theory (developers of Heavenly Sword) as opposed to Capcom's internal team. But hey - who knows at this point?
So anyways, I watched it again. And again. And again. And again. Maybe you should too, because it really let me see this game for what it was going to be: a cocky, fun-filled, adrenaline-pumping slaughter-fest in true Devil May Cry fashion.
I'm looking at the comments here, and all I see in the form of legitimate complaints are the new character designs. However, this is an aesthetic face-lift. Yes, you have the right to be all fired up and start angry mobs at the reveal of Dante's new AESTHETIC qualities. However, dismissing this game as a non-DMC game and even going as far as to assume it will blow chunks over something silly as how the polygons are arranged is something I don't think is in the true spirit of gaming. In case you forgot what that was, it was to have fun. Remember?
Now let's look at all of the awesome you can observe in the trailer:
- Everything in there was run on the engine itself. That's right - they're all real-time cutscenes.
- Ridiculousness in combat remains, with hideously awesome new demons being subject to Dante's brutality.
- A sword which can turn into a chain thing that throws cars. Hells yeah, mother****er.
- More variation in combat styIes, hinting at possibly more styIes than the traditional four.
- Awesome music.
So assuming you've read this far, let's try doing this:
Considering everything and putting aside your blinding rage at something new and different, watch the trailer once more here.
Go on - watch it once more, because I can guarantee that unless you're completely ignorant of reason or just hate hack-and-slash games, you'll find something to love in there if you give it a chance.
And with that, I ask you all: are you remotely excited for the new Devil May Cry?
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