Hi everyone.
I, like many of you, played and enjoyed Haze. Its wasn't what the hype told me it would be, but for what it was worth, it was a good game. The co-op in particular was a blast.
Now, I also, like many of you, saw the Cryengine 3 demos on consoles. Being a PC gamer, I own and play Crysis. Its stunning, some of the best graphics ever, hands down. The foliage in particular is amazing.
Now, last night I was playing Haze when I started to think. Free Radical is now Crytek UK. I put two and two together and became engrossed in the possibility that Haze 2 could be running on the Cryengine. Its a perfect fit for the game, espescially if it returns to the jungle setting.I really hope they make this game...
So what are your thoughts? Would you like to see a Haze 2? I would personally love to see what they can do now with Crytek's backing.
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