So long story short, i dropped my ps3 on the way to the airport and now the disc drive no longer works. So the entire thanksgiving holiday, i'm unable to play GT5 which is the entire reason i was bringing my ps3 to begin with. It's still under warrenty so i'm gonna send it to sony and have them fix it for free but i still dont wanna wait for it to come back to be able to play the game so i've decided to buy another ps3. Seeing how BF is tomorrow, i figure i'd take advantage of the deals they have but the only thing is I dont want to buy it a a local store in chicago, b/c i dont want to have to bring multiply systems through airport security b/c i have enough stuff to bring already. So i figured my best option would be to order it online. Looking at the bundle deals, i figured gamestop has the bundle deal i'm most interested in but I i'm not sure if online ordering is an option. Does anyone know if they're offering the GOW bunlde online? and also, how long does it take sony to repair a system. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Oh i almost forgot, HAPPY TURKEY DAY EVERYONE!
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