im going to buy to buy a ps3 as soon as my dvi cord comes in the mail. I looked at all the guides online how to get audio for ps3 but its really confusing. I just have regular speakers nothing fancy it has the green plug what do i need to buy? Can you guys link websites or ebay instead of just naming the thing so i know exact name/how it looks like. So far i bought except for half the price... what else do i need to buy to get audio for my speakers?
I bought a Logitech X-540 PC Speakers which came with a console adapter. I have this connected to my HDTV to PS3. But i'm sure what you bought should work. This is the adapter that came with my speakers.
Go to and find a 3.5mm male to male cable. Then put that into the line in on your soundcard/onnboard sound/computer speaker input.
I have a very similar setup. I have the Logitech X-540's as well, but I have an Auzentech Prelude Soundcard that accepts optical inputs. So I have the digital sound coming into my computer and coming out my PC speakers (works great). The only downside is that the hardware/software does not decode Dolby Digital 5.1, but the software does a great job in "making believe" it is 5.1.
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