I just got my ps3 yesterday mgs4 budle (w00 h00) my question is.... should I buy that pack with the first three games and play them before I play mgs4? will it make the game more enjoyable? how long would it take to beat all three?
Yes, get the Essential Collection before you play MGS 4. It will help you understand and enjoy the story so much more. I'm not sure exactly how long it will take you to beat all 3 but I'm going to guess about 45 hours or so.
Definitely do not play MGS4 without playing the first three. I let my girlfriend playthrough MGS4 (she hadn't played the other one's) and she said that she didn't understand what was going on. That and they are all relatively short. MGS1 shouldn't take you more than 5-6 hours tops, MGS2 about 5-6, MGS 3 maybe an hour or two longer, that and they are all great games that I feel no gamer should miss out on. That and they'll greatly enhance your enjoyment playing MGS4.
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