A very good friend of mine has a hard decision to make. Maybe you all can give some advice to help him decide.
Well over a month ago, my friend decided he'd sell his 20GB 360 and get a PS3. At first, selling the 360 seemed to be the biggest hurdle. Not many people too secure in a used 360, understandably. But he got it sold, along with his games and peripherals.
He was all about having some BC, so he went out and bought a 60GB. He found one new at K-Mart. But then the rumors started about the 80GB being dropped and a new 120GB SKU with rumble being possible. So, he decided he'd return the 60GB and wait for GDC, hoping for some announcement. Yes, he knew that GDC wasn't really the place where big announcements were made but thought there was a chance.
Now most of GDC has passed, nothing announced. And he's been without a console for some time.
He needs only limited BC, so a 80GB would be fine. So would a 60GB, obviously, but with less HDD.
What do you recommend? Should he just go ahead and get the 80GB, knowing that a new SKU could possibly hit anywhere between now and the end of the year? Should he be patient and wait, no matter how long?
What would you do?
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