For all of you that complained, congrats, Cole got a new look, and it bad. The redesign is terrbile. Oh and that adress yeah its a link to his new new look. You know I love the game and didn't mind the redesign, but no you people had to go and complain about it and now it looks worse. Hope you guys are happy. I will still get the game, but he looks worse, thank you people. Why did you have to complain. Couldn't leave something be.
You're welcome.
The complains where so intense and in such numbers that Sucker Punch decided it was in their best interest to shift back to first cole... maybe they saw the loss of some fans (that therefore would not get the game...) as a bad thing that would hit them where it hurts the most (their pockets...).
Anyway, I'm happy. Better the old cole than that Nathan Drake clone they gave us on E3 (What pissed me is that Cole looked younger... come on... it's a sequel, not a prequel of inFamous...).
Sure, they could have kept the new clothes, maybe the hair... what should have trully revert to original were only the voice and the face (you know, hair grow, clothes are bought... but besides a radical plastic surgery, his face shouldn't change, and the voice, well, no excuse there, voice should be the same, or at least a better voice actor with a similar voice...).
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