I've been using the PS3 controller but will be getting a Arcade Stick, for me is somewhat difficult to play Marvel vs Capcom with a regular controller.
99% of fighting games I've played was with a controller and when i play said games in an arcade, it feels awkward. while there are some advantages to playing some fighting games with a arcade stick, it really comes down to preference.
always used to be a controller up until a few days ago, i picked up the SF4 tournament fightstick and i wont ever go back to a controller. it really does make a hell of a difference. it probably took me about 2 hours to adjust to the stick but now i can pull off combos and special moves that i couldn't do before with a controller.
Ha ha when I first saw the thread title my immediate though was 'button bashing is the only way to reach the top!' then I realised it was about controllers........
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