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I have 40/60 left, though I only started out with47/55 lol.Virtua Fighter 5/ Ninja Gainden Sigma Game Saves, 81 Pictures, 298 Songs, GRAW 2 Demo, Resistance Demo, Blast Factor Demo, Ridge Racer 7 Demo, Motorstorm Demo, 2 Jammed PS2 Memory Cards, 1 PS1 Memory Card, 2 MGS4 Videos(Demonstration/Trailer), an episode of Cheat and three episodes of Code Monkeys._MysTesO_
And also does having three users on my PS3 take up any memory?
i got something like 45-46 left. I have some music and vids on it but they don't take much spacde. i delete demos after a while or as i get a full game for them, so i have plenty of spaceremaining.
I still have a desire to upgrade to a larger hhd though... it's the american way *thumbs up*
[QUOTE="_MysTesO_"]I have 40/60 left, though I only started out with47/55 lol.Virtua Fighter 5/ Ninja Gainden Sigma Game Saves, 81 Pictures, 298 Songs, GRAW 2 Demo, Resistance Demo, Blast Factor Demo, Ridge Racer 7 Demo, Motorstorm Demo, 2 Jammed PS2 Memory Cards, 1 PS1 Memory Card, 2 MGS4 Videos(Demonstration/Trailer), an episode of Cheat and three episodes of Code Monkeys._MysTesO_
And also does having three users on my PS3 take up any memory?
no, not really. all of the stuff you store on your ps3 is added together to show you an overall of gigs used. i think have ing a user accout takes like 1k or less
I have 20 gigs left out of my 60 gig...I'll probably end up doubling the memory one day...most of it is due to videos (two full series, season one of another, and misc. episodes of other series)...I have a few demos (Heavenly Sword, GRAW 2 and the Darkness), and a good bit of photos. I have a small amount of music. I'll probably delete all ofthe music and photos since I can just keepthem on my laptop and stream them to the HDD.
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